Chakras are an element of the Indian yogic system, and are not discussed in either the Japanese hara system or the Chinese meridian/qi system. Although chakras were definitely not part Mikao Usui’s Reiki practice, some practitioners started speaking of chakras as part of Reiki practice after the death of Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki practice to Hawaii in the 1930s with her Reiki master, Chujiro Hayashi, a direct student of Usui. Mrs. Takata did not teach chakras.
The goal of the Thankfulness Interview series is to empower your self-care, and a basic understanding of how to work with your own chakras can be helpful with challenges such as grounding that are commonly faced by Reiki practitioners.
Swami Saradananda has been practicing yoga and meditation for 40 years. A close disciple of Swami Vishnudevananda of the Sivananda lineage, she spent 20 years with her guru before he passed in 1993. Swamiji speaks with the authority that only comes with decades of practice, study, and teaching.
Click here to download our conversation. If the file doesn’t open automatically, double click it in your download folder.
Here are two of Swamiji’s books which were mentioned in our conversation:
Chakra Meditation
The Essential Guide to Chakras
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