How many times have you hit an impasse when talking about Reiki, and been quickly dismissed as if you were a fool? How did that feel?
How many times have you hit an impasse when talking about Reiki, and been quickly dismissed as if you were a fool? How did that feel?
There's nothing wrong with you.
And, you could communicate better. COMMUNICATE REIKI is the program where you can discover how.
It’s so frustrating. Even though you knew you could help, the person wouldn’t even consider what you have to offer. There you were, holding the precious key that could improve their pain, anxiety, insomnia, digestive distress, etc. — but you couldn’t make the connection.
Did you walk away feeling like you completely blew it?
If you’re like me, you have. Many times.
It feels terrible when your attempts to help — and you — are dismissed without consideration, without respect.

It gets worse.
Imagine it’s five years from now, and you’re still getting the same response — no response — or worse. Derision.
If you’re a Reiki professional, new clients are few and far between. You get low signups for your classes – or no signups.
Your bills pile up, you’re unable to take vacations or take care of yourself in a way consistent with your values. Or you’re stuck in a job that drains you because you can’t support yourself and your family doing the work you love. The work you know you are here to do.
Doesn’t it upset you to have a practice that could so easily help so many people, but you can’t get past the first conversation? Has it ever made you wonder, “What is wrong with me?”
Good news.
There’s nothing wrong with you. And, you could communicate better. COMMUNICATE REIKI is the program where you can discover how.
I know, because I once struggled as you now struggle, trying to share the practice I love so I could help people. What I said about Reiki practice didn’t always click with others.
Until I started working in hospitals and figured out a better way, which led to collaborations with top academic medical centers.
How doctors taught me to communicate better
It was the early days of the AIDS epidemic in New York City, before the advent of the pharmaceuticals that now help people live with AIDS as a chronic illness, a time when an AIDS diagnosis felt like a death sentence, and usually was.
I taught people who were HIV+ to practice self Reiki at Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) here in New York City. Infectious disease doctors around the city heard of my work from patients I’d taught, patients who were faring far better than the norm.
Those doctors cared about their patients and wanted to help, but at that time, conventional medical options were very limited. Seeing that some of their patients did better than most, some doctors became interested in what help was available outside conventional medicine. I was invited to create the first hospital Reiki program.
I was shy to move into hospital work, concerned about being an outsider, and reluctant to address the medical establishment with something I knew was so far outside their paradigm. I was at a loss where to start.
But I couldn’t resist the opportunity to help relieve so much suffering.
I remember my first Reiki presentation at the hospital. My knees were knocking and I felt totally intimidated. I included a brief experience of Reiki touch.

Soon after, one of the doctors signed up for my First Degree Reiki class. In the safety of a private conversation, he admitted those few minutes of Reiki touch relieved his migraine.
I thought I already knew how important it was to give people a chance to experience Reiki, but that doctor drove the point home. I now understood the goal of talking about Reiki was simply to get the doctors to be interested — or at least willing — to have a direct experience. But how?
I decided to let the doctors teach me how to communicate Reiki practice to them, realizing that was also a good way to bring Reiki practice to a mainstream audience, where people who are suffering and want the benefits but aren’t aware of Reiki practice.
The result was transformative
Opening to learn from my medical colleagues was a pivotal moment.
I went from struggling to build my business, to being the leading advocate for Reiki practice in conventional medicine and to the mainstream public;
invited to write papers for peer-reviewed medical journals; teaching at prestigious academic medical centers and schools, including Harvard, Yale, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH); creating more hospital Reiki programs; and writing REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide, published by Penguin Books.
I now have a thriving private practice in NYC and travel the world helping Reiki professionals like you help more people by communicating Reiki more effectively. And what I’ve accomplished in health care opened the door for presenting Reiki to businesses such as Unilever and Google.
I share those milestones with you so you know it’s possible for you to rewrite your approach using the process I’m offering you, a process that includes strategies proven to work with the most critical listeners — doctors.

I’m really glad I signed up for this program – it’s already turning out to be an enlightening journey of discovery and self awareness.

I loved being in this program and learned so much from reading your comments to everyone. The timeliness of your words can be uncanny.

Something magical is happening with these prompts! I am learning so many things about myself, diving deep into my memories and my subconscious, accessing my inner wisdom and finding gems and pearls to be polished and honed. I am genuinely surprised at it all.

I have a newfound awareness of the stories I tell. Writing for me has changed from a previously mental/physical task to a creative and expressive process. Thank you for your time, feedback and wisdom.

Words cannot describe the gratitude for you creating these programs, and confidence they have given me when writing and talking about Reiki.

This program has given me the invaluable tool of heart-writing, and has been a safe forum to explore my Reiki experience. Heart-writing + reiki = deeper joy.

Your program helped me see how my Reiki practice has deepened my understanding of “reacting” versus “responding.” In the daily heart-writes, I began to observe what I think and how I think, without judgement.

I am starting to feel a flowing in my writing, an impulse that is beyond expectations, anticipation and fear. Writing from the heart, NOT the head. Big difference. Big change. So grateful for your encouragement, Pamela!

Communicate differently, get different results
I struggled through my transformation, but you don’t have to. Many people helped me, especially the doctors I trained, but I didn’t have a Reiki professional who could mentor me directly.
You do.
My simple approach enables you to avoid the rejection you’ve experienced so many times — too many times — so you, and Reiki practice, will no longer be marginalized. You can become comfortable sharing your practice with family and friends, and — if you’re a Reiki professional — with people who’ll want to become your clients.
Your confidence communicating Reiki will help you help those you love and build your business. Then you can devote yourself to relieving suffering and improving the world by doing the work you love, the work you know you’re meant to do.
Soon after, one of the doctors signed up for my First Degree Reiki class. In the safety of a private conversation, he admitted those few minutes of Reiki touch relieved his migraine.
I thought I already knew how important it was to give people a chance to experience Reiki, but that doctor drove the point home. I now understood the goal of talking about Reiki was simply to get the doctors to be interested — or at least willing — to have a direct experience. But how?
I decided to let the doctors teach me how to communicate Reiki practice to them, realizing that was also a good way to bring Reiki practice to a mainstream audience, where people who are suffering and want the benefits but aren’t aware of Reiki practice.
Better communication, better practice

You’ll learn a simple, effective practice I developed called Reiki heart-writing, which is simply writing freely from your heart after practicing self Reiki. I’ll send you daily prompts that guide you on a path of self-inquiry to discover your golden content, your own unique Reiki experience, insight, and wisdom.
And you’ll explore how to shape your golden content so it communicates to other people, how to find the universal in the very personal.
Self-expression is all about you. It’s purpose isn’t to communicate, it’s to release and give voice to your inner experience.
Communication is different. It’s all about packaging what you want to say — your unique self expression and understanding — in words you choose for their ability to land gently and meaningfully in someone else’s heart.
COMMUNICATE REIKI explores the distinction between pure self-expression and communication, reaching people outside our immediate circle.
Here’s an example. When I first worked in hospital, I referred to the medicine practiced there as “allopathic medicine.” The social worker mentioned that doctors don’t use that term. Doctors say, “biomedicine.”
I hadn’t meant to offend anyone, I just didn’t know doctors heard “allopathic” as a put-down from alternative medicine types. Clearly doctors weren’t going to magically morph into allies if they thought I were putting them down. I immediately switched to “biomedicine.”
Using the term doctors use for their medicine made a huge difference. In the same way that locals appreciate visitors saying “hello” and “thank you” in their native language (no matter how bad your accent!), adopting some words from the language doctors use among themselves created a bridge between our cultures. That helped me begin to understand what their work is like, what their needs are, without appearing critical or self-righteous.
Exploring and learning with ease
Ease is built into COMMUNICATE REIKI. If you’ve taken WRITE REIKI, you’ll recognize the soft structure and support you enjoyed in that program. If you’re new to this format, Welcome! You’re going to love it.
In this program, you have a balance of enough structure so there’s always something you can do or read, and the ability to engage at your own pace. Yes, even if you’re not able to Reiki free-write every day, you’ll still be able to complete the program. I add bonus days at the end to give you ease.
Throughout our time together, I’ll share short articles I’ve written specifically for this program to help you get the most from your Reiki heart-writing experience. You’ll learn to shape your unique insights into words that carry your unique voice, and communicate to others.
The articles are short enough that you have time to read them. They build on your own exploration and offer information and perspective gleaned from three decades as a Reiki professional. In bite-sized pieces you can digest.
We also have 2 optional live and recorded online calls during the program to discuss your questions about Reiki heart-writing, your program experience, or content from the articles
And you’ll explore how to shape your golden content so it communicates to other people, how to find the universal in the very personal.

Your daily Communicate Reiki practice
So simple, right? Any time after you finish practice, stop by our private Writers Have to share your experience, read what others have shared, and read articles written exclusively for this program, not shared anywhere else.
- Reiki self practice to settle into your heart
- Heart-write with the prompt (up to 15 minutes, shorter when needed)
- Jot down 3 words that describe that day’s Reiki heart-write experience
Registration is closed
Communicate Reiki
A 2-Week Free-Communicating Reiki Journey with Pamela Miles
Program runs August 11 — August 24, 2023
For assistance, email Assistant@reikiinmedicine.org
Won’t make it this time? Sign up here to be informed when we schedule the next one, so you can register before it sells out. It’s an intimate, small group event that tends to fill quickly!

I learned to step aside and let my Heart Voice put words on the paper instead of parroting someone else or writing what I thought others want to hear.
—Jana Castellano
Program description
This is what you’ll receive as part of our COMMUNICATE REIKI community:
- 2 weeks of daily COMMUNICATE REIKI support emails
- 2 weeks of daily prompts and blessings to start your Reiki heart-writes
- Exclusive articles available only in COMMUNICATE REIKI that deepen your understanding of communication and share tips to help you reach more people
- Additional grace period after the daily emails so you can make up any days you missed (it happens) or just keep writing!
- 2 optional hour-long live interactive Q&A online calls
- An exclusive, protected online Writers Haven just for our COMMUNICATE REIKI tribe
- As much coaching as you want from a Reiki master practicing Reiki personally and professionally since 1986, someone who specializes in getting the attention of doctors and other skeptics, in a good way (me!)
- Daily interaction with other COMMUNICATE REIKI members, as you choose

What’s my investment?
How much will it cost for you to join the COMMUNICATE REIKI community? Let’s first consider how much it will cost you not to.
What will it cost your self-esteem if you continue to be unable to communicate Reiki practice in a way that attracts others?
What will it cost you not to pursue your dream of supporting yourself and your family by doing the work you love and were born to do? Work that relieves suffering and is so needed in today’s world?
If you don’t learn to communicate effectively, how will Reiki practice be carried into the future, to help your children, and their children?
What will it cost you if you want to but aren’t able to leave your day job — or you have to go back to your day job — because you’re not making enough money to cover expenses and provide for your future?
Those costs make the investment in this program almost insignificant.
COMMUNICATE REIKI can be done in your busy life exactly as it is now, bringing the change and benefits you seek without major inconvenience or cost.
How many new clients would cover the program investment?
What is it worth to you to:
- speak about Reiki practice with confidence and clarity so you help more people and never feel marginalized again
- know you can comfortably, genuinely inspire new clients to work with you
- hone your Reiki communication skills at a time each day that’s most convenient for you
- experience the support of others like yourself who love Reiki practice and long to help people and relieve suffering
- be part of an international community of Reiki practitioners who want to make our world a better place
- find a depth to your personal Reiki practice you hadn’t known before
- experience more profound self love, acceptance and confidence.
The logical next step
If you love your Reiki practice and want to share it with others, COMMUNICATE REIKI is your logical next step. You’ll go deeper into your own Reiki experience, and explore the distinction between pure self-expression and effective communication — learning how to bring what you know to others, so more people can benefit.
COMMUNICATE REIKI is a lab in which you learn to express your experience and insight in ways that communicate effectively, without losing your unique voice.
This program keeps you softly on the edge of your next frontier, continually deepening and growing your awareness, with as much support as you ask for. You’ll finish the program filled to the brim, and confident you can keep growing with your practice.
24/7 Writers Haven
Our exclusive online Writers Haven is open to you 24/7, so you can expand your experience any time you have time, according to your own schedule in your time zone. Whenever it’s convenient, as often as you like, just pop in and:
- share your 3 words describing today’s heart-write experience
- leave a comment about today’s experience, the insights you’re getting (not your actual heart-write, which is just for you!)
- read articles written especially for this program, not available anywhere else
- peruse comments shared by your co-writers so you benefit from their experience
- read my responses to comments, yours and your co-writers.
Stop by our Writers Haven any time you have time, and as often as you like. Think of it as your spiritual Facebook, without all the clutter. It’s your online spiritual community.
I’m in our Writers Haven many times each day to offer support and respond to your questions, which you can also ask in our 2 optional live (and recorded) online Q&A calls where you can meet your co-writers.

Even though I couldn’t spend as much time on this program as I wanted to, it has done a lot for me. I looked at Reiki in different ways and writing each day reminded me to do my self-practice. It kept Reiki in the forefront of my thoughts during a stressful time in my life. I am glad I signed up.
— Caren Myers
Is COMMUNICATE REIKI right for you?
This program isn’t right for you if you think things will magically change without any effort on your part.
To create the change you want, so people respond well when you speak about Reiki, so you can help more people and build your business, you need to do something different. COMMUNICATE REIKI guides you as you finally make the change you’ve been wanting to make. It’s time.
Please note.
Once you have given your information, you’ll be taken to a page with details. No worries if you miss that — watch for an email in your inbox. Be sure to check you junk/spam/bulk folder and contact Cori assistant@ReikiInMedicine.org if you need any technical help. And be sure to add us to your Safe Senders list.
Our protected Writers Haven will be open for you to register onsite (after registering for the program) a day or two before the program begins. We’ll email an announcement to the email address you use to sign up below. Email Cori if you want us to use a different email than the one you used to pay for the program.
Please note, COMMUNICATE REIKI is open to Reiki practitioners from any lineage or practice style, at any level.
Have you already been through COMMUNICATE REIKI and want to review and go deeper? Email Cori for your repeaters discount code to take $100 off the fee after you put the program in your cart.
I look forward to seeing you in our Writers’ Haven soon.
Meet Pamela (Your Teacher)

Hello, I’m Pamela Miles, and I’ve had the joy and honor of helping people heal themselves, discover their unique gifts, and live from the heart for more than 50 years.
I’m a longtime spiritual practitioner and mentor, a published author, an international Reiki teacher and the foremost Medical Reiki expert. Since the 90s, I’ve been at the forefront of bringing Reiki into conventional medicine as a spiritual practice, including teaching at Yale University School of Medicine, presenting at Harvard Medical School, collaborating with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and implementing programs at NY Presbyterian/Columbia and other prominent New York City hospitals.
My approach is heartfelt and straightforward, drawn from decades of spiritual practice to help you connect deeply with yourself as easily and quickly as possible. It’s not instant; it’s a process, and you’ll make significant progress in this program.
You’ll experience insight and greater self-love, gain clarity and self-awareness, while healing undigested emotions and developing skills you can use to be happier and healthier for life.
Any adult who has had at least First degree (sometimes called Level 1) Reiki training from any lineage and who has access to a computer, tablet or smartphone, and to the internet.
COMMUNICATE REIKI is two full weeks with an additional grace period in case you want to keep Reiki heart-writing on your own or you started late, or missed some days, and want to complete the program.
Any Reiki practitioner at any level of practice experience, in any practice style or lineage, can benefit from COMMUNICATE REIKI because the program takes you deeper into your own practice, just as you practice, and accelerates your personal learning. The program also helps you understand how to communicate your practice more effectively so you get a better response.
COMMUNICATE REIKI teaches you how to remain a student of your practice for life, so your experience continues to deepen and unfold.
Past participants have included people who just completed First degree Reiki training, as well as people who have been practicing professionally for decades — and lots of people in between!
The only ones who don’t benefit are those who don’t participate.
That’s largely up to you. Flexibility is built into the program, so you can make it work for you, on your schedule, adjusting as needed. Plan on heart-writing for no longer than 15 minutes each day after your self Reiki practice.
Pop into our private online Writers Haven any time you want to read the articles and interact with our international community. Fair warning: you might enjoy the Writers Haven so much that it could seriously pull you away from Facebook!
People enjoy the program and visit our Writers Haven often, but it’s your choice how much time you spend each day.
Ease is built into the program so you can continue to participate regardless how your daily schedule changes. Some days you might have a shorter Reiki heart-write or you might even skip a day. No worries, just stay with it as you are able to.
You’ll find the experience so valuable and supportive that you’ll want to keep participating.
Reiki heart-writing is a simple practice I developed to help you get more from your Reiki self practice and discover the depths of your understanding, what I call your golden content, and heal undigested emotions that are keeping your stuck. You’ll practice self-Reiki before heart-writing from the prompt I give you each day.
First you practice hands-on self Reiki until you feel your state change, until your awareness drops into your heart.
Then heart-write from the prompt for no longer than 15 minutes.
When the timer goes off, record three words to describe that day’s experience of heart-writing.
Visit our private online Writers Haven whenever you want, as often as you want, to read articles written exclusively for this program, share comments, ask questions, and read what your co-participants have shared.
You’re welcome to participate if you have taken at least one First Degree Reiki training from any lineage or practice style. Each day, you’ll practice hands-on self-Reiki as you were taught. If you have a daily self-Reiki practice, you can heart-write immediately after that, or if you prefer to heart-write later, you can do a short, modified practice to start your heart-write.
COMMUNICATE REIKI isn’t about the details of how you practice, but rather your experience as you practice.
No, you do not share your Reiki heart-write. That’s for you alone. Our online private Writers Haven is where we interact as a community, leaving comments to share your experience (not your actual writing), asking questions, and reading what your co-participants share.
Not at all. We have one live online meeting in the second week of the program, but you can access the recording in our Writers Haven if you cannot attend live.
No, you do not have to heart-write in English. Your home heart-write can be in the language you prefer, and if you are bilingual, you can switch around if you want.
However, English is the common language for the program, meaning everything in our Writers Haven — all articles, prompts, blessings and comments — is in English.
This is an online program, so assuming you have internet access through your computer and/or smartphone or tablet, there are no additional costs to participate. The fee stated is all you pay to access the entire program.
No worries! This program doesn’t require any writing skill beyond the basics of getting words on a page. COMMUNICATE REIKI isn’t about formal writing; you don’t compose essays in this program. Rather, the goal of Reiki heart-writing is to express the understanding and vision that flows naturally from your heart after Reiki self-practice. If for some reason you cannot physically write, you can record a voice memo. The program is about uninhibited self-expression, revealing your inner truth to yourself.
You can hand-write with paper and pen or use a keyboard, as you prefer. That’s purely a matter of your personal comfort and accessibility.
No part of COMMUNICATE REIKI is on social media. The program contents and discussion are entirely contained in our Writers Haven, a completely private, restricted section of my website exclusive to participants; no one else can access it. Your Reiki heart-writes remain on your computer, device, phone, or paper (depending on how you choose to write) and are never shared. There’s no Facebook group, or any other off-site social media participation. Optional online discussions are hosted on GoToMeeting, which can also be accessed only by participants. The program is private and safe.