Write Reiki Retreat with Pamela Miles of Reiki, Medicine & Selfcare

Write Reiki

2 Week interactive online practice & mentoring program with pamela mileS

Deepen your Reiki Practice, discover your insight and golden words, gain confidence, and take your practice—and yourself—to the next level.

May 17-30, 2024

Discover the secrets to confidently access your intuition, unlock your authentic voice and live fully expressed, consistently connected to your inner guide.

Something magical is happening with these prompts! I am learning so many things about myself, diving deep into my memories and my subconscious, accessing my inner wisdom and finding gems and pearls to be polished and honed. I am genuinely surprised at it all.

This daily free writing is showing me depths to my Reiki experience and Reiki practice that I did not know existed. Every day I can’t wait for the adventure. Each day I am uncovering and discovering insights, perspectives, sometimes frustrations and doubts, curiosity, and wonderings on a personal level; and then I receive daily gifts from all of you, in this community of Reiki writers, and from Pamela. I’m loving being here!

Your inner guidance is always speaking to you. All you have to do is get quiet enough to listen.

Reiki is an incredibly rewarding practice, yet many practitioners feel they don’t have access to its full transformative power.

Whether you’re new to Reiki, or you’ve been practicing for years, it’s common to hit a point in your journey where it feels challenging to connect with yourself in the way you’d like. Maybe you don’t feel as “sharp” as when you started. Maybe you feel as though something is blocking you from getting in touch with your deepest self. For whatever reason, you feel stuck, and each day it gets harder and harder to commit to your self practice, even though it’s helped in the past.

What would it take to reconnect with the passion that led you to Reiki in the first place? What would it take to discover your true power of your practice? The answer is simpler than you think.

Introducing WRITE REIKI, a unique, and very accessible program to learn a surprisingly simple technique that deepens your connection to your Reiki practice, and to yourself.

In this program, you’ll go from feeling disconnected and uninspired to learning how to easily access the power of your intuition, no matter the situation. You’ll be transformed as your daily self Reiki and your heart-inspired free-writes reveal your deep understanding, and your true beauty. You’ll discover an awareness of yourself and your practice you didn’t know you had — your practice, just the way you practice.

Profound insights will emerge as your fingers give voice to your heart, releasing undigested emotions and you finally reconnect to your deepest self and inner guidance.

Are you ready to take the leap?

Access the Full Transformative Power of Your Practice

In this immersive program, you’ll learn how to access the full transformative power of your Reiki practice, and find your Reiki voice. 

Over the course of 2 weeks, you’ll heart-write after Reiki self-practice every day. A series of prompts will support your heart-writing to unlock the hidden treasures of your Reiki practice, what I call your golden content.

Write Reiki is a soft structure in which you heart-write about your Reiki practice every day, uncovering insights, connecting with your intuition, discovering your wisdom, all with community support!


write reiki
Writing to the rescue
And WRITE REIKI was born
Your day in WRITE REIKI
Reiki, Medicine and Self Care with Pamela Miles, Favicon

I learned to step aside and let my Heart Voice put words on the paper instead of parroting someone else or writing what I thought others want to hear. —Jana Castellano

Write Reiki

A 2-Week Practice & Mentoring Program with Pamela Miles
$ 399
  • Program runs May 17-May 30, 2024 with an additional grace period until June 4.

Who Is This For?

Write Reiki is for practitioners at any level of practice experience in any practice style or lineage who want to deepen your practice and accelerate your personal learning and growth.

 WRITE REIKI teaches you how to remain a student of your practice for life, so your experience continues to deepen and confidence in your skills continues to grow. 

Past participants have included people who just completed First degree Reiki training, as well as people who have been practicing professionally for decades — and lots of people in between! 

The only ones who don’t benefit are those who don’t participate.

What's Included

Here’s what you’ll receive in our 2-week online interactive WRITE REIKI program

Person typing on a laptop outdoors, blurred autumnal leaves in the background, the screen displaying a welcoming message for Better Boundaries.

How It Works

The feedback I get most often is that participants get so much more than they expected, and realize profound healing can be easier than they ever imagined.

The core of the Write Reiki program is to create a container that allows you to heart-write after Reiki self-practice every day for 2 weeks. A series of prompts will support your heart-writing to unlock the hidden treasures of your Reiki practice, what I call your golden content.

I’ve written articles to support your process, articles available only in WRITE REIKI, nowhere else. And we have a private online Writers Haven you can visit whenever you have a few minutes to share comments and insights, and be inspired by what others are experiencing.

Notice I said “to share comments.” Your actual heart-writes are yours alone, never to be shared. Why not?

Because if you shared your heart-write, you’d feel inhibited next time, aware of a potential audience. Your heart-writing would stop being free and uninhibited. Your Reiki heart-writes need to be private to stay spontaneous, without the pressure of what others might think, so your heart feels safe to reveal its secrets.

You’ll practice self Reiki each day, whenever you can.

Once you’re centered and relaxed from your Reiki self practice, you’ll heart-write from the prompt I give you for up to 15 minutes (less as needed).

Then you can stop by our private online Writers Haven to share three words to describe that day’s experience

Your daily WRITE REIKI practice:

  • Reiki self-practice to settle into your heart
  • Reiki heart-write from prompt (up to 15 minutes, shorter when needed)
  • Record 3 words to describe that day’s Reiki heart-write experience in our private online Writers Haven

24/7 Writers Haven

Our exclusive online Writers Haven is where you can deepen your experience on your own schedule by:
  • leaving a comment about each day’s experience
  • reading articles written especially for this program
  • reading comments left by your co-writers.

Stop by our Writers Haven any time, as often as you like. Think of it as your spiritual Facebook, without all the clutter!

I’m in our Writers Haven many times each day to offer support and respond to questions.

We also have an optional live and recorded online Q&A call midway through the program.

Reiki, Medicine and Self Care with Pamela Miles, Favicon

I found it easier than I thought I would, and was interested by how deep my thought process was throughout.
— Georgiana Monckton

What is Heart Writing?

The beauty of WRITE REIKI is you participate on your own schedule, at your own pace — even if you can’t heart-write every day.

Heart-writing is writing with freedom, writing spontaneously, without the inhibitions of content or form or even meaning. It’s a profound and effortless pouring out from within.

Imagine writing without struggling to pull your thoughts together, with no concern about being judged, no worries about punctuation, grammar or spelling, just opening your creative spout and letting it flow onto the page or screen with the excitement of discovery.


Pamela, thank you for offering this program. Your articles were off the charts helpful! With the effort I was willing to put into the program, you were willing to meet me there and take it up a notch, allowing me to push myself (rather than feeling pushed). And thank you to my fellow writers. You inspired me to look at things differently, think of things in a different way, and I totally enjoyed the company of each of you!

Thank you so much, Pamela, for guiding us on this subtle yet profound journey. I don't want it to end!

Thank you for your support and mentoring. You are a teacher's teacher.

“The depth of Pamela's involvement and attention to each of us participating was greater than I expected; she was a wonderful guide and the experience will stay with me.”

This program has been illuminating. A lot of deep work took place through the prompts and my free-writing, and the articles. My eyes opened to a different way of looking at experiences and thought processes.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this program, and am really grateful for all the insight and knowledge I've gained, through carrying out the program and through your guidance Pamela. Sharing with others in the Writers Haven has been a real pleasure. You brought together a wonderful group of people.

Thank you so much for offering this program. I am feeling more at peace with myself and recently was very pleased to let go of a bothersome situation when I realized I could not control my friend's behavior but could be responsible for my own response to it. It was very freeing. I will miss your thoughtful prompts and insights, but I have confidence that I will be able to continue heart writing on my own and continue to reap the benefits of the practice. You have given me a solid foundation on which I want to continue building.

Meet Pamela (Your Teacher)

Pamela Miles
Pamela Miles, Reiki Master and Author

Hello, I’m Pamela Miles, and I’ve had the joy and honor of helping people heal themselves, discover their unique gifts, and live from the heart for more than 50 years.

I’m a longtime spiritual practitioner and mentor, a published author, an international Reiki teacher and the foremost Medical Reiki expert. Since the 90s, I’ve been at the forefront of bringing Reiki into conventional medicine as a spiritual practice, including teaching at Yale University School of Medicine, presenting at Harvard Medical School, collaborating with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and implementing programs at NY Presbyterian/Columbia and other prominent New York City hospitals.

My approach is heartfelt and straightforward, drawn from decades of spiritual practice to help you connect deeply with yourself as easily and quickly as possible. It’s not instant; it’s a process, and you’ll make significant progress in this program. 

You’ll experience insight and greater self-love, gain clarity and self-awareness, while healing undigested emotions and developing skills you can use to be happier and healthier for life.

Write Reiki

A Heart-Writing Journey with Pamela Miles
  • Join the waitlist below

Sign up here to be informed when we schedule the next one, so you can register before it sells out. It’s an intimate, small group event that tends to fill quickly!


Any adult who has had at least First Degree (Level 1) Reiki training from any lineage, and who has access to a computer, tablet or smartphone, and to the internet.

WRITE REIKI is 3 full weeks with an additional grace period in case you want to continue heart-writing on your own or you started late, or missed some days, and want to complete the program.

Any Reiki practitioner at any level of practice experience, in any practice style or lineage, can benefit from WRITE REIKI because the program takes you deeper into your own practice, just as you practice, and accelerates your personal learning. 

WRITE REIKI teaches you how to remain a student of your practice for life, so your experience continues to deepen and unfold. Past participants have included people who just completed First degree Reiki training, as well as people who have been practicing professionally for decades — and lots of people in between! The only ones who don’t benefit are those who don’t participate.

Flexibility is built into the program, so you can make it work for you, on your schedule, adjusting as needed. Plan on heart-writing for no longer than 15 minutes each day after your Reiki self practice. Pop into our private online Writers Haven any time you want to read the articles and interact with our international community. Fair warning: you might enjoy the Writers Haven so much that it could seriously pull you away from Facebook!

People enjoy the program and visit our Writers Haven often, but the amount of time you spend is up to you.

Ease is built into the program so you can continue to participate regardless how your daily schedule changes. Some days you might have a shorter Reiki heart-write or you might need to skip a day. No worries, just stay with it as you are able. You’ll find the experience so valuable and supportive that you’ll want to keep participating.

Reiki heart-writing is a simple practice I developed so you can get more from your Reiki self practice and discover the depths of your unique understanding, what I call your golden content, while healing undigested emotions that are keeping your stuck. You’ll practice self-Reiki before heart-writing from the prompt I give you each day.

First you practice hands-on self Reiki until you feel your state change, until your awareness drops into your heart.

Then heart-write from the prompt for no longer than 15 minutes.

When the timer goes off, record three words to describe that day’s heart-writing experience.

Visit our private online Writers Haven whenever you want, as often as you want, to read articles written exclusively for this program, share comments, ask questions, and read what your co-participants have shared.

All you need is to have taken at least one First Degree/Level 1 Reiki training from any lineage or practice style. 

Each day, you’ll practice hands-on self-Reiki as you were taught. If you already have a daily self-Reiki practice, you can heart-write immediately after that, or if you prefer to heart-write later, you can do a short, modified practice to start your heart-write.

WRITE REIKI is not about the details of how you practice, but rather your experience as you practice.

If you’ve been struggling to be consistent in your self practice, WRITE REIKI can help you overcome that. 

No, you do not share your heart-write. That’s for you alone. Our online private Writers Haven is where we interact as a community, leaving comments to share your experience (not your actual writing), asking questions, and reading what your co-writers share. That way, you gain additional insight from reading each other’s perspective and experience.

Not at all. Most of the program is done totally on your own schedule, as it suits you.

When we have a live online meeting, you can access the replay in our Writers Haven if you cannot attend live.

No, you do not have to heart-write in English. Your home heart-write can be in the language you prefer, and if you’re bilingual, you can switch around if you want.

However, English is the common language for the program, meaning everything in our Writers Haven — all articles, prompts, blessings and comments — is in English.

This is an online program, so assuming you have internet access through your computer and/or smartphone or tablet, there are no additional costs to participate. The fee stated is all you pay to access the entire program.

No worries! This program doesn’t require any writing skill beyond the basics of getting words on a page. WRITE REIKI is not about formal writing; you don’t compose essays in this program. Rather, the goal of Reiki heart-writing is to express the understanding and vision that flows naturally from your heart after Reiki self practice. If for some reason you cannot physically write, you can record a voice memo. The program is about uninhibited self-expression, revealing your inner truth to yourself.

You can hand-write with paper and pen or use a keyboard, as you prefer. That’s purely a matter of your personal comfort and accessibility.

No part of WRITE REIKI is on social media. Of course you’re welcome to share your experience on social media #WRITEREIKI

The program contents and discussion are entirely contained in our Writers Haven, a completely private, restricted section of my website exclusive to participants; no one else can access it. Your Reiki heart-writes remain on your computer, device, phone, or paper (depending how you choose to write) and are never shared. 

There’s no Facebook group, nor any other off-site social media participation. The optional online discussion meeting is hosted on GoToMeeting, which can also be accessed only by participants. The program is private and safe.


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