What Is Spirituality? Modern Day Priestess Gift Recording


Click What Is Spirituality? to download the audio recording. It might take a minute for the file to download, depending how your system is set up.

The MP3 recording will automatically launch on many systems, so make sure your speakers are on. Or you might need to open the file from your downloads folder, or it may open in iTunes. There are so many different systems. As I’m unable to troubleshoot what’s happening on your computer, please ask your favorite tech adviser (or any tween or teen!) for help in the unlikely case that you run into any difficulties. Thank you!

Looking for the two articles on ego that were mentioned? Click Practice as You Are and Reiki, Ego and Heart. If you find the articles helpful, please help me help others by sharing on social media.

Here are quotes mentioned in the webinar:

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. —Teilhard de Chardin

The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. —Buddha

That which you seek is that which is seeking. —St. Francis of Assisi

It’s not the customers’ job to know what they want. —Steve Jobs

We create that bad among ourselves. We create it; then we try to call it devil, satan, or evil. But man creates it. There is no devil. Man creates the devil.  —Wallace Black Elk

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. —Will Rogers

What Is Spirituality is part of my Mainstreaming Reiki audio series.

Learn to practice Reiki on yourself, family, friends, and pets, in the comfort of your home in my intimate small group, live, interactive, online trainings. Everyone is welcome, even if you’ve had other training.

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