Reiki Professional Tip # 6

Tips for Being a Trusted Reiki Source

This is the sixth in the Reiki Professional Tips series created by Pamela Miles.

Pamela is an international Reiki master teacher and the foremost advocate for Medical Reiki. She has been a Reiki professional for 30 years and is based in New York City and online in the Reiki Professional Academy.

And please share the videos on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. to help more Reiki professionals be, well, more professional!

Tap here for Video 7

11 thoughts on “Reiki Professional Tip #6”

  1. Hello Pamela, It has been a while since I have reached out to you but I just want you to know that I think your professional tips are spot on and helpful. In addition, today I was rereading your book REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide and I came across a passage all about how it is the practicing of Reiki both for self and for others that is the learning, not all the reading. It rang so true. You are a wonderful guide in this increasingly diverse Reiki world, I can hardly follow all the names…the list goes on and on. In the end, isn’t it just about that one thing, the Reiki connection that simply and beautifully works? Thank you for continuing to be a great guide.

  2. Karin van der Walt

    Thank you so much for these tips. I keep going back to them. I think for me it is nice to know that you are out there Pamela giving us tips and guidance for our own Reiki practices. So for that I thank you.

  3. I am setting up a Reiki practice in Minden NV. I appreciate all the help you are providing. We’ve never met, but I certaily consider you a very good friend!

  4. Thank you Pamela for these most helpful series of Reiki tips. I have always considered you as my mentor and refer my clients and students to your website and Facebook page for the most credible Reiki information.
    My professional Reiki practice is now growing (after 16 years of daily practice) and I am most appreciative of your insight and continual support.

    1. Sheri, it’s always good to hear from you. I’m thrilled that your practice is growing to help more people be happier and healthier!

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