JCC Spa Day for Women with Cancer

You are truly doing a HUGE service to these women by introducing them to this amazing healing.
Caroline Kohles, JCC Spa Day organizer

Beginning in 2006, 50 Reiki practitioners have offered 120 Reiki treatments each year at the annual JCC Spa Day for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer.

The participants and the JCC staff have been deeply impressed by the compassion, professionalism, and commitment of the Reiki volunteers, and Reiki remains a favorite of the women. Smiles Said It All describes a past event, and practitioners shared their experience in Relief for Women with Cancer.

Here’s more from Spa Day organizer Caroline Kohles:

I know you know this, but I just have to remind you that every year, the Reiki practitioners touch so many lives.

I asked both groups (120 women) how many had never had Reiki and the majority of hands went up. You are truly doing a HUGE service to these women by introducing them to this amazing healing. I can’t believe that even after all this time and exposure, Reiki is still relatively unknown to these women challenged by cancer.

Bringing Reiki practice to people who wouldn’t otherwise know about it is truly compassionate. If you’re a Reiki professional, it’s also an effective way for you to stand out as a leader in your community and help more people. My Reiki Professional Academy includes a training that takes you step-by-step to your successful public Reiki event.

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