Reiki Changes
Some Reiki changes occurred organically over its history; others were arbitrary. Some haven’t been acknowledged, creating confusion. I asked my colleague, Reiki historian Justin Stein to help sort it out.
Testimony in Opposition to Massachusetts Bills Regulating Alternative Healing Therapies
The following is my written testimony in opposition to Massachusetts bills regulating alternative healing therapies that are currently before the MA. If passed into law, these bills would require licensing for Reiki and other non-invasive health practices. The committee will
Massachusetts State Hearing on Licensing Reiki and Other Holistic Practices
The Massachusetts state legislature is hearing testimony on 2 bills that would require licensing for Reiki and other non-invasive holistic practices. Please voice your opposition now!
Reiki Boundaries
In Reiki practice as in life, boundaries help you know what’s real and when you’re being manipulated. Here’s how you can sort it out.
CBD and Reiki Self Practice for Me
Reiki self practice and CBD are the foundation of my self care. I feel like I’m aging younger. After trying a few, a particular CBD product made the difference.
Protecting Reiki from Regulation Webinar Summary
Here’s a link to the recording of Protecting Reiki from Regulation with Pamela Miles, Rita Glassman and Susan Mitchell, and a written summary of the highlights.
Protecting Reiki from Regulation: What You Can Do Now
Protecting Reiki practice from regulation starts now. Are you ready to be an effective Reiki advocate? Let’s begin with strategy (I’ll suggest actions you can take from home in another article). The strategy I’ll share comes from my decades of
Reiki Threatened with Regulation
Reiki practice is being threatened with regulation in the United States. Now is the time to work together to keep Reiki free.
Reiki Practice: Sticking with Love
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. famously said he was “sticking with love.” Reiki practice makes it easier to follow his example and live from your deepest heart, so we can create a better world.
Reiki Self Practice Eases Uncertainty
Reiki self practice eases the distress of uncertainty and anxiety, bringing us back to center, where we experience clarity and hopefulness.
Beating Back the Second Covid Wave
The idea of a second Covid wave put many in a state of deep fear. Now we’re long past the second wave to a third or forth. What if we thought of Covid in terms of a wildfire rather than
Are You Pandemic Prepared?
There is much you can do to be pandemic prepared besides flu shots and hoping for a Covid vaccine. Here are some suggestions.
Reiki and Your Immune System
Reiki practice can help your immune system function better. Here’s how.
Reiki and Psoriasis
Psoriasis is hard to heal, but Reiki practice can help because the deep balancing response to Reiki practice addresses underlying causes unrecognized in conventional medicine.
Healing Crisis and Cure
Do healing crisis happen in conventional medicine? How can we know if we are having an adverse reaction or a healing crisis?