Pamela’s Book

You likely came to this page for one of these reasons:

  • You’re new to Reiki and looking for a credible source of information,
  • You’ve experienced Reiki, maybe even learned to practice self-treatment, and you have questions,
  • You love Reiki practice and want to tell your friends — or your doctor — about it, but when you try, you often don’t get the response you’d hoped for.

Reiki Book CoverREIKI: A Comprehensive Guide addresses those needs, and more.

I relish my Reiki sessions and I’ve experienced the range of benefits this gentle, effective spiritual practice commonly brings — reduced anxiety and pain, improved digestion and sleep, enhanced well-being, and improved social ease.

I wanted a book that would inspire others to learn to practice Reiki, and keep practicing. I also wanted to address some of the myths that have circulated and misled practitioners and the public, given that Reiki is an unregulated practice.  The public doesn’t realize there are no standards for Reiki treatment or training — or even for the use of the word “Reiki.” People think everyone who says they practice Reiki are practicing the same thing. That’s not the case.

Reiki practice can bring you profound support, but you need to be an educated consumer.

My book helps you understand Reiki practice and the benefits it offers you and your loved ones, including the 4-legged and winged ones.

It also guides you in finding credible Reiki practitioners and classes in your area. If you choose to learn Reiki, my book will be your continuing practice companion, one that will stay at your bedside where you pick it up frequently for inspiration and support.

REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide (Tarcher/Penguin) is often referred to as “one of the very best books on Reiki.” Renowned physicians Mehmet Oz, Andrew Weil, Christiane Northrup, Larry Dossey, and others wrote cover endorsements praising the book (read Praise for REIKI below).

Reiki masters around the world recommend REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide to their students.

Praise for REIKI

Reiki has become a sought-after healing art among patients and mainstream medical professionals. Pamela Miles has been instrumental in the integration of Reiki into conventional medicine and has written an intelligent, sensitive guidebook to this remarkable healing practice.
— Mehmet Oz, M.D., Vice Chairman and Professor of Surgery, New York Presbyterian-Columbia Hospital, author and health expert on The Dr. Oz Show.

Reiki Book HandsI learned Reiki back in the early 1980’s and have used it effectively with my children, myself, and my patients ever since. Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide is a beautifully written manual for how to use this wonderful healing modality in your own life.
— Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom.

Drawing from an uncommonly deep understanding of Reiki, Pamela Miles articulates the essence of healing in language accessible to both professionals and the public.
— Andrew Weil, M.D., author of Healthy Aging and Spontaneous Healing

Reiki is, increasingly, being incorporated into modern medicine because of one compelling reason: it works. Reiki Master Pamela Miles has written the best guide to this healing art currently available.
— Larry Dossey, M.D., author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things

In REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide, Pamela Miles — who taught me to practice Reiki — illustrates her rich experience with abundant healing stories, making this authoritative, enlightening guide a pleasure to read. She inspires us to look beyond our limits, towards a horizon of possibilities.
— Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D.. Ph.D., author of Coyote Medicine.

This is the “category-killer” book for understanding Reiki. Pamela Miles has incorporated all you need to know in this sensible, down-to-earth, and thoroughly readable work, taking the “mystery” and confusion out of approaching Reiki. I have personally integrated Reiki in my pain practice since learning it from Pamela in 1998, and my patients have found it immensely helpful, but not always easy to understand. Her book fills this void, addressing the questions and concerns that any thinking person will have, and detailing how Reiki is rapidly being integrated into mainstream medicine at the urging of both patients and professionals. It is a treasure to read and to own.
— James N. Dillard, MD, author of The Chronic Pain Solution

Pamela Miles helps bridge the gap between Reiki and conventional health care in a way that is wise, articulate and practical.
— Michael H. Cohen, JD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and author, Future Medicine.

Reiki is not easy to write about, yet Pamela Miles’ REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide is clear, respectful, and insightful, reflecting Pamela’s many years of thoughtful Reiki practice. Honoring Reiki’s Japanese origins and Takata’s lineage, she illustrates how the traditional form of practice has a place in contemporary settings. New Reiki students will get a comprehensive view of Reiki and long-time practitioners will be surprised to discover insights to deepen their relationship with this wonderful practice.
— Barbara McDaniel, Senior Managing Editor, Reiki Magazine International

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 What is Reiki and Can It Help Me?
Chapter 2 Reiki and Your Health
Chapter 3 The Story of Reiki
Chapter 4 Reiki Treatment or Training
Chapter 5 Finding and Choosing Your Reiki Connection
Chapter 6 First Degree Reiki Training
Chapter 7 Second Degree Reiki Training
Chapter 8 Reiki Master Training
Chapter 9 Reiki Practice: Creating Continuing Support
Chapter 10 Reiki and Family Life
Chapter 11 Reiki, Doctors and Patients
Chapter 12 Reiki and Science
Chapter 13 Reiki and Medical Research
Chapter 14 Reiki and Integrative Medicine

Reiki, una guia completa (Spanish Edition) (Salud Y Vida Natural) (Spanish)Paperback – January 20, 2016

El Reiki es una tecnica de canalizacion y transmision de energia vital a traves de la imposicion de manos que se utiliza para obtener paz y equilibrio en todos los niveles: fisico, emocional, mental y espiritual. Reconocida por la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud, es una de las terapias mas suaves y practicas, una forma de sanacion vibracional desarrollada a principios del siglo XX en Japon. Pamela Miles, una pionera en la incorporacion del Reiki a la medicina convencional, se basa en su propia vasta experiencia para explicarnos en este obra que es el Reiki y como esta practica complementa los tratamientos medicos convencionales.

A pioneer in bringing Reiki into mainstream medical practice, Miles draws on her unique background to explain how this therapeutic technique complements conventional medical treatments and can hasten recovery from invasive surgical procedures, as well as ease the symptoms of cancer, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and other conditions.

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