Do you find the idea of daily self Reiki practice daunting? Maybe it’s because you don’t realize how self-renewing it is. And maybe this First degree Reiki report will inspire you to give daily self Reiki a try. I hope so!
The Joy of Reiki Self Practice
by Timothy Clayton
I’ve never been a very disciplined person. I dive into things with great passion, only to have my new hobby drop away after a week or two.
But I’ve noticed something has shifted. I’m in serious danger of becoming a disciplined person who can make commitments. Why has this happened? I’ve been practicing self Reiki every day since I took the First Degree Reiki training four months ago.
Over the recent holidays, I reinforced my commitment to include 30 minutes of continuous practice every day, even if I didn’t feel like it or feel any response. It had never occurred to me to do something every day even if I didn’t want to in the moment!
I rattled off several days in a row of excellent Reiki self-treatment — nice, long practice sessions with time for contemplation at the end. Then one day, my phone and family lured me out of bed before I had time for self-treatment.
I felt normal in the morning, but by afternoon I noticed something was off. I didn’t feel my customary zest and excitement about life. I didn’t feel inherently happy and joyous. Something was missing.
It took a while to realize the missing element was my Reiki self-treatment. After an ah-ha moment, I slipped away for some Reiki practice and re-connected with the primal joy I had been missing.
I’m still astonished that daily Reiki self practice has such a huge positive impact on my day, but observing my day without Reiki has convinced all parts of myself. Being happy, energized, and loving life is my normal—and I want to keep things that way.
To my disbelief, I’ve finally committed to something in my life. I practiced Reiki last night before I went to bed, and I will do it again tonight.
Here’s to a lifetime of balance, happiness, and primal joy.
Do you practice daily self Reiki? If so, please let everyone know by posting the Daily Self Reiki badge on your website and Facebook page! Here are some of the 31 languages it has been translated into. Scroll down on the I Practice Self Reiki Every Day page to copy the code.
If you don’t find your language, email me a translation and I’ll make a badge for you!