Your Reiki Voice

Write ReikiSometimes, at the end of a long, full day, I let television take me in an entirely different direction. Lately I’ve been watching NBC’s The Voice. Have you seen it?

I especially love the blind auditions, when talented unknown singers are rated on their voice only, singing to the judges’ backs, hoping at least one judge will turn around to mentor them.

This season (only the second I’ve watched), I’m struck by how talented all the singers are, by the richness of their stories, and by how they blossom as they take in their coaches’ advice.

The coaches advise on singing and presentation techniques according to the needs of each singer — don’t get pitchy, engage the audience, etc. Some singers are so bold they get ahead of the music, and need to pull in a bit. Others play it too safe and are encouraged to take a risk.

Know yourself, show yourself

Beyond such individual tweaks, one piece of advice is shared often, in various ways, to singers with wide-ranging styles: Show yourself.

It’s a lot easier to show yourself when you know yourself. Some of the singers are so young they seem to be getting to know themselves on stage. That must be scary.

Thankfully, as Reiki practitioners, we don’t have to get to know ourselves while millions watch. We have a simple, nurturing practice that brings us home to ourselves, a practice we cherish and want to share.

Finding your Reiki voice

Singing in the shower is different than singing on The Voice.

Similarly, practicing Reiki on ourselves is different than practicing Reiki on other people, or even telling other people about Reiki. When we practice on ourselves, we don’t need words. As soon as someone else is in the picture, so are words. Words are the bridge that can lead people to a Reiki experience, or not.

If we express ourselves without taking the time to find words that are comfortable to us, and to practice using them, it’s a bit like thinking we can step from the shower to the stage of The Voice. It’s that unrealistic.

When you get giddy with enthusiasm for your practice, you don’t choose your words well, do you? None of us do. Then we don’t get the response we expected, and then we feel bad. We feel (and are) misunderstood. And we get stuck in defensiveness.

This is as true for home practitioners as it is for Reiki professionals, and it doesn’t have to be that way.

The missing step

All we need is to take a little time to find our words, the ones that deeply resonate with our own experience. Nothing makes that easier than free-writing. And free-writing is very easy.

I’ve taught Reiki free-writing to many groups online. Participants typically describe their free-write experience as freeing, exciting, enlightening, liberating, easy. and the other words in the wordle.

The experience was part of a webinar to introduce people to our Write Reiki program, and the recording was made for those who registered and couldn’t be with us live. But when I saw how much everyone got from the experience, I was so moved that I wanted more people to benefit, so I shared it with my email list. Then I thought, why stop there? Why not share it with the Reiki community at large?

Why not indeed? So here it is. Just put in your earbuds and click here.

I hope you get as excited about free-writing as I am and that you’ll want to join me for WRITE REIKI, an online program to help you go deeper into your Reiki experience and clarify your understanding, so you can go beyond what you’ve been told and discover your own golden content. But no worries — the recording is yours regardless. May it inspire you to love writing as much as I do.

The sooner you listen, the sooner you start enjoying your Reiki free-write, so please click here now!

Click here to find out when the next WRITE REIKI program starts.

1 thought on “Your Reiki Voice”

  1. Hi Pamela

    Thanks for a wonderful article on free-writing. I have always struggled with finding my voice so your article came at just the right time.

    I’m going to listen to your audio this evening!

    Best wishes, Mike

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