A Feel for Reiki Practice

As simple as Reiki practice is, it takes time to develop a feel for the practice, a deep understanding of Reiki healing (as distinct from a definition).

As with any practice, the only way to develop a feel for it is to actually practice, and to do so consistently over a period of time. Reiki practice is simple, but there is no shortcut.

Reiki practice becomes the teacher

Reiki classes really only teach us how to practice. It is through practice, and practice alone, that Reiki practitioners develop. After First degree Reiki training, our daily self Reiki practice becomes our primary teacher.

The experience of practicing Reiki treatment on others — on people of different ages, in varying stages of health, in a range of settings — is greatly enhanced when done against the backdrop of daily self-treatment.

Through consistent practice, observation, and contemplation, slowly over time, we enter into a profound relationship with Reiki.

A profound relationship with Reiki practice

When, through a long association, we come to know someone well, we don’t feel a need to know every little detail, and we don’t get caught up in stories that may circulate about that person. There is a mindful trust, a willingness to partner, even as we take full responsibility for our actions.

In the same way, as we develop a profound relationship with Reiki practice through consistent practice, observation, and contemplation, we find an inner knowing that doesn’t need stories to buoy it.

When supporting others, we prefer to leave the focus on our clients’s process of healing, allowing them the opportunity to engage within. We gradually become less interested in embellishing and distracting, quite content to say simply, “I don’t know.”

The process of developing a feel for Reiki healing is never-ending. Practice. Observe. Contemplate. Repeat.


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1 thought on “A Feel for Reiki Practice”

  1. I Know I need to take the time for self practice, reiki shares and my distant healing practice, Thank for the reminder.

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