In practice,
there is much repetition,
and there is no repetition.
Much repetition when we repeat the form of our practice—
the when, where, and how.
And often repetition in the sensations of our practice,
the familiar pulsing cascade,
the familiar warmth of our hands,
the familiar refuge of stillness that opens within.
But not always.
Sometimes practicing the form doesn’t yield the same sensations.
Sometimes practicing the form is boring, or worse.
We make the same actions, but we are not content.
With gratitude, work diligently.
That guidance comes from the Reiki Precepts,
given by Reiki lineage founder Mikao Usui to his Reiki students.
Reiki is a practice.
A practice is always the same,
and never the same.
And sometimes a practice is work.
Our practice is the work we do to create change—
change in our understanding,
change in our self-concept,
change in the accessibility of our hearts.
And we practice to cope with change,
especially the changes we don’t like,
the ones that make us feel powerless.
But we are never powerless.
We can always practice.
And for that, we can be grateful.
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Related Reading:
The Most Important Thing
The Trail Starts Here
Today Only
A contemplative practice is always beneficial, Maggi. Your husband can place hands and be present with his breath. This is not, however, Reiki practice because he hasn’t received the initiations.
Pamela….I am Reiki 2 & have recently ordered the Reiki timer thru you. I love it, it helps me doing self Reiki & helps me to not fall back asleep in the morning in bed.
Do you feel it is beneficial for my husband to join me in self Reiki in the morning even though he has not had any formal instruction or initiations ? I have only shown him 8 hand positions that I use. I think at the least it is like a meditation for him.
If I just “show up” and do it, I’m always rewarded. Sometimes it’s the satisfaction that I was disciplined enough that day to follow thru. In the early morning hours, sleep always calls me to come back. It’s a struggle to just roll over and give myself Reiki sometimes. But I’m always glad afterwards. For me gratitude and Reiki are practicality synonymous.
For me, I find that starting my daily practice again has helped me in many ways. Sometimes at the end of the day, I’m just so worn out. But after doing Reiki as I lay in bed, I find myself calmer, more relaxed, and able to sleep better. I recently reconnected with my Reiki I teacher, and we had a good discussion. it helps keep things in perspective for me :)
Carolyn and Getchie, you have captured so many feelings that I share, that Reiki is a traveling companion for life, that practice is a gift through which we transform our lives and our world. Thank you both.
Practice is, to me, a gift. Ever since I learned to practice Reiki from Pamela I have felt connected to life instead of overwhelmed by it…such a sense of joy is truly a gift. Thank you all for practicing…I think the world is happier because of it.
I feel that I’m at the beginning of a lifelong journey…in the same way that learning tai chi takes a lifetime. Recently I was blessed to find Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide at a store in Provincetown, MA: I was riveted to it and couldn’t put it down! A colleague now tells me that she hands a copy to everyone she trains in reiki as a gift at the end of the class. The book has inspired me to continue daily morning self-reiki sessions, however brief…When I gave a session to a friend recently, she said she said she could feel that I was “more powerful” as soon as I put my reiki hands on her head…Thank you, Pamela, for sharing your own continuing journey and your passion for reiki.
You make a good point, Graham. No matter how experienced we are, it just doesn’t make sense to assume we are noticing everything that’s happening. It’s helpful to draw a distinction between the sensations of a session–whether self-treatment or received from someone else–and what is really happening, which is likely more than we ever know.
Hello Pamela, I find that when nothing seems to be happening from my perspective the recipient will have a different experience and get some very profound healing.
Pamela, I just found your blog and it’s a good reminder that the importance’s to practice or continue a routine even when it does not feel like anything is happening.
Thank you, Pamela, for a reminder of the importance of our daily practice. I see practice as less an activity with a goal “improve” than a setting aside time to be, to become aware of the oneness of all and to revel and marvel in that oneness.
I know you mean well, Vish, but I am not comfortable being referred to as having “guru-like stature.” I’m just a beginner who maybe has been practicing a little longer than some other beginners…
Perhaps, rather than “practice makes a man perfect,” practice helps us to realize that we, and all creation, are already perfect? How radical is that?
Being perfect doesn’t mean that we don’t have skills to refine, and choices to make, and lives to live; it means we practice, refine our skills, and live our lives for the joy of doing what is ours alone to do, rather than to cancel out any imperfection.
Practice,practice, practice.We should do that whatever we are inclined to do and reach anywhere with.If one persists continuosly long enough at something one is bound to find ways of doing it better and more wisely. Old saying goes:’Pactice makes a man perfect’.As we go along,insight develpos to make us progressively better.And,in any case,God is supposed to help those who help themselves’.Repetitionin in work should inevitably bring about improvement and make us better at it…..What says Pamela,with her guru like stature at Yoga,Meditation,Reiki and so many related beneficial practices of long many years……?