I imagined her tears dripping on the keyboard as she typed her desperate plea — can Reiki heal my relationship? — after her fiancé broke off their engagement.
Sometimes Reiki practitioners want to know, “How can Reiki heal my relationship? What special practice do I need?”
From what I see with my students, we don’t need practices more special than simple hands-on daily self Reiki. I can’t make any promises, but here’s what’s shown up lately in my First degree Reiki classes, just in time for you to get ready for Valentine’s Day!
Relationships respond to Reiki practice
A wife returned home after the first session of her First degree Reiki class. We’d been talking about how Reiki practice is balancing, and self-practicing in class.
She walked into her kitchen to find her husband had left the burner on. Again. An (understandable) pet peeve of hers.
But this time, she didn’t fly into her usual tirade, or even feel angry. Her first response was compassion, thinking how hard he works, how tired and distracted he must have been.
Then she noticed the difference feeling balanced had made, enabling her to respond instead of react.
More Reiki love
A few weeks after his First degree training, another student reported how much his wife loves his new post-Reiki self. They both see that his Reiki self practice brings out the best in him, and it’s not just subtle. He started doing the dinner dishes and building shelves in the office! Feeling balanced can boost your motivation.
At the second session of another First degree class, as she listened to other students sharing the differences they noticed in their first day practicing self-Reiki, a wife realized her spouse (also in the class) warmed their dinner instead of waiting for her to do it — a first!
The Reiki students in the above stories noticed how feeling balanced made them more present in the moment, more aware of themselves and others, more motivated, and more benevolent. They saw the direct connection between how they felt and the state of their relationships.
Can Reiki heal my relationship?
Are you still wondering, “Can Reiki help my relationship?” There’s one way to find out. And it’s not to make your spouse or partner get Reiki treatment.
Start practicing daily self-Reiki and see what improvement you notice in how you are feeling and functioning, and how you feel about yourself. It typically doesn’t take long to notice gentle, positive shifts, but give it a week or two.
If you’re not Reiki trained, why not learn to practice self Reiki? There are no standards for Reiki training, so take your time and find a teacher who is qualified and also a good fit for you.
Or find a practitioner to offer you Reiki treatment only (choose carefully!), no advice or psychic reading. Notice how your relationship improves when you’re balanced and more in touch with your heart.
Reiki practice helps you experience the love in your heart. Take the time to do that, and someone else just might notice.
Every relationship is strengthened by healthy, compassionate boundaries. Learn simple, effective skills for holding your own in BLESSED BOUNDARIES.
The LOVE photo above was taken in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico during the Heart of Practice Reiki Retreat.
I just had a really good Reiki session the other day, and the next day my mom phoned to come over to drop some stuff off and visit. This may sound like a normal thing, but my mom doesn’t do that. She comes over on the first Sunday of every month because that’s when we get together to have supper. Other than that, she doesn’t call or come over. I have to initiate all contact with her or I’d never talk to her. So, it makes me wonder if something shifted in my energy that affected hers. Or, was it just a really HUGE coincidence?
Love your story, Kari, thank you for sharing it.
No one can answer your question for you with any certainty, but it seems to me that when we heal, there’s more possibility of relationships healing. As we heal, we change our broadcast — what we’re putting out, whether or not we’re aware of it — and some people respond to us differently.
Always good to know, and to see what Reiki can do in my self practice. My Love is a hard working Special Ed teacher and has the Love to tutor those less fortunate who need her help. I find that my self practice allows me to see her Love, and do all that I can to support her without any gripes. It’s all in the balance that I find in my self practice.