I had an epiphany just a couple of years into my Reiki practice.
Lying in the dark, self-practicing before sleep, I deeply understood that what we humans really need is simply to feel safe.
Once you deeply get that you’re safe, everything else falls into place, and you naturally become the best version of yourself, the person you enjoy being and who participates in life fully.
Spirituality and science
I thought I was having a spiritual realization — and I was — but I didn’t know the emerging field of psychoneuroimmunology was gathering science to support my insight, to demonstrate that simply and deeply feeling safe changes everything: how we feel, how we function, how we think, the choices we make.
Somehow having scientific support just rings those credibility bells, doesn’t it?
It’s real, it’s really REAL!
I’m laughing because as much as I love and revel in Mystery, I still feel that science validation twinge on occasion.
The reality of mystery
What’s mysterious isn’t measurable, but it’s still REAL, maybe Realer than Real if there is such a category.
But Mystery, by definition, can’t be supported by science.
Mystery is the realm of spirituality — that reality you live with constantly that has no science to even support its existence.
You experience your spirituality as your inner reality. While you might have valued mentors and guides, you, like everyone else, have to navigate your inner reality on your own. It’s a solo flight. No parachute.
It’s in your inner reality — your spirituality, your mystery — that you make choices you have to take full responsibility for, with no science to support your choice.
But how?
Mystery and knowing
The Mystery is Knowing; it knows itself. And Knowing is how we feel safe.
It doesn’t help to think you’re safe, does it? You have to deeply know it.
Knowing is a spiritual experience.
That’s why it’s helpful to recognize Reiki as a spiritual practice. Our physiology responds to the experience of spiritual knowing that develops with consistent self practice over time.
Slowly, incrementally, as you persist in your daily self Reiki practice despite life trying to pull you away, you come to KNOW you’re more than the human limitations you grapple with, to KNOW you’re not merely part of something greater, you are that great Mystery in human form.
And slowly, incrementally, and often unexpectedly, the stranglehold of fear weakens.
You know you’re safe because ultimately the Mystery is all, and you are that Mystery.
That’s the essence and goal of mystical traditions.
Don’t you love the irony that the ultimate transformation brings you home to being yourself, but with so much more love and freedom?
And that’s why I self practice every day.
What about you? Why do you practice? (Seriously, please share in a comment.)
Retreat into mystery
That’s why I practice every day — to retreat into Mystery — and why I put so much time and energy into encouraging (ok, nagging) you to also.
That’s also why I offer a range of retreats. Everyone needs and deserves retreat, a time to let yourself be transformed by the silence and stillness within you.
Retreat is when you make feeling safe a priority, to dip into your inner mystery, and transform your experience of love, and how you live your life.
Yes, your daily self Reiki practice is a daily retreat, and yes, you need more from time to time.
I offer retreats in many forms to make retreat accessible to you, but all I can do is invite you and encourage (ok, nag!) you.
Only you can make your retreat actually happen; only you can choose to transform.
Below are the possibilities I offer you, with love.
Retreats for all
The Usui Virtual Retreat is online, always available, completely at your pace, totally free, and you’re welcome to share.
If you need help with commitment, gather a few Reiki buddies so you’re accountable to the group (in a sweet, supportive way of course!).
Write Reiki and Better Boundaries are innovative online retreats you do mostly on your own schedule (plus 2 live online calls with replays).
Both Write Reiki and Better Boundaries include significant mentoring from me for any participant who wants it (people are in different places, and there’s always the option to participate incognito).
If either are of interest, please join the waitlist on their respective pages to get an announcement when I schedule them. I usually lead Write Reiki in April or May, and Better Boundaries in November.
Reiki Vacay in Mexico is the crème de la crème of my retreats, usually half filled with past participants who got so much last time, they came back for more.
The combination of ease; comfort; practice; nature (beach, ocean, forest); delicious, fresh food; charming accommodations (400-count cotton sheets); various free or paid options for healing (massage/bodywork, cacao ceremony, Aztec sweat, community acupuncture, nature outings) and like-hearted community empowers you to drop into your mystery, savor your inner stillness and silence, and return home not simply renewed, but enlivened, supported, and transformed by your deeper relationship with Mystery.
We have only a couple spaces still available. I’m here to answer your questions.
The conversation about spirituality and safety continues here.
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