Cat Reiki

Glen Fletcher is a Reiki master in Burlington, Ontario who wrote this after taking the WRITE REIKI program.

Reiki CatPriya Chooses Reiki
by Glen Fletcher

It’s 4AM and Priya is pressing her head into the palm of my hand. I’m not dreaming; she has decided it’s time for her Reiki treatment.

Our dogs had their treatments that afternoon. They loved Reiki treatments from the moment I first placed hands, stretching out beside me before falling sound asleep. Priya, however, watched the dogs intently for a while, then left the room, tail held high. She has consistently declined my offers of Reiki treatment, hands on or off.

Nearly 16 years old, Priya is a cranky, stiff old tabby cat. As a young cat, she was outgoing and affectionate. Now she spends more time on her own and interacts less with my spouse and me. Aside from the onset of arthritis, she’s a healthy cat.

After weeks of refusing Reiki treatment, Priya chose the middle of the night for her first session. For half an hour, I carefully rested my hands on various placements from her head to her hindquarters. As with everything else in Priya’s world, she decided when she was done and walked away in the early morning light.

Now, Priya presents herself for Reiki treatments once or twice a week, often during the night. She makes it clear what she wants and the treatment must be on her terms. Some mornings she joins me during my Reiki self-practice. She lies beside me or nestles in the crook of my arm, her head in my hand.

After each treatment Priya’s mood improves for two or three days.  She spends more time with us and engages the dogs in gentle play. Her stiffness seems diminished as she moves about the house with greater ease.

There’s an added benefit; we all sleep better when Priya has her Reiki treatment.


11 thoughts on “Cat Reiki”

  1. Lovely story. I hope Priya continues to improve and enjoy her reiki sessions. Animals benefit so much from reiki. I have several cats, one in particular was seriously ill recently, I stayed up with her all night as she had breathing problems, I started to give her reiki and within minutes her breathing settled and she started to purr. Like Priya she had never been interested in receiving Reiki before. With the vets help and reiki she made a full recovery.

  2. Hi Glen,
    I loved reading Priya’s story! You’ve painted such an amusing and lovely picture of your Reiki experience with your pets- particularly with Priya. Would you mind if I share your story with my Reiki 1 students?

      1. We are fortunate that you generously shared your gift with Piper, our Whippet. Glad to read that Priya has discovered the benefits of having a Reiki master in the household – and on demand no less! We look forward to reading more of your Reiki experiences Glen. Keep them coming!

  3. Constadina Vasiliades

    Glen I love this Reiki story! So touching, and truly shows how sensitive animals are to touch. I just want to snuggle up with all your pets. :) Love your writing style and learned a lot from watching your work. Congratulations!!!

  4. Congratulations Glen. I enjoyed reading your story, it’s a gift to say a lot in a few words, while keeping the reader’s attention. You truly have that gift.

  5. Glen this is such a wonderful Reiki story. Love how everyone benefits from Priya’s treatment. Thank you for sharing this.

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