Happy Now

Usui150HappySecretsThe Happiness contagion started so simply, and quickly.

The 150th anniversary of the birth of Reiki lineage founder Mikao Usui was August 15, 2015.

I was about to lead a Reiki Precepts Happiness Retreat in Denver to celebrate, and was inspired to start the celebration early with a series of daily reminders to practice the Reiki Precepts, to Be Happy. Now.

I wrote 21 short emails with Happiness Secrets to commemorate Usui’s fasting meditation on Mount Kurama, which gave birth to Reiki practice, and so much happiness for so many. The series is sent to anyone who signs up, as my gift.

Happy gratitude keeps giving

Soon thank-you emails filled my inbox. The Happiness emails reminded people to Be Happy. Now. They wrote to me to share their happiness. It worked. Happiness really is contagious.

So let’s keep celebrating Usui’s birthday, and his great gift of practice, by practicing every day. Hands-on self Reiki. And the Precepts, Usui’s Secret to Inviting Happiness.

The real secret

Here’s the SECRET: It’s all about happiness. Pause to be happy now, and you increase the odds of staying happy.

Plus, you learn that happiness is always within reach. Even when we barely have the energy or will or fortitude to reach for it.

Be Happy. Now.


For your sake, for the sake of those you love, for the sake of your community, for the sake of the world. You need to be happy — just as we all do — and the world needs you to be happy.

Happiness practice

Can you really be happy on demand? Yes.

Happiness is a practice. Like any spiritual practice, sometimes it is easier than others, but you can always practice. And the effort of practice is an act of creation.

Twenty-one days of Happiness emails remind you to do just that. Practice happiness. Create your happiness.

You need not believe me. Here is what your Reiki comrades have said about practicing Happiness:

Thank you so much for these reminders. It’s been so special — I now remember every day.
Janet McKenzie

I am having some craziness in my life at the moment, and I have to say, when I read your email it stopped my thought pattern and redirected me to remember to be happy!!!! And also to practice my self Reiki.
Lynne Novenstein

This was often my first ‘read’ in the AM and I loved it. It started my day with happiness as the possibility. So simple in a way but so powerful. Thank you.
Claudia Greco

Your happiness reminders made me feel good and remember to connect with my inner core of joy. Thank you.
Joy Gordon

So lovin’ these. Thank you.
Mari VanDyke

This beautiful 21 day happiness experience that you are leading is truly a gift. Each day because of your gentle prompting I am able to connect with my inner happiness. This is the beauty of Reiki integrated into daily life. Living consciously, inviting happiness as Sensei Usui taught. I am forever grateful to you and I will share this joy for the rest of my life.
Deborah Fusco-Amjadi

Your emails have been a friendly reminder of a principal of life that I struggle with a lot. There are days that I receive them, it seems, just in the nick of time. Thank you. I appreciate them very much!!

I don’t want to clog your email with daily thank yous, but I want to let you know how much I am enjoying your happiness secrets.
Judith Jacobson

Those little reminders helped me to get grounded in the now rather than get caught up in everyday rushed routines.  Thank you!

And three examples how Happiness practice created a desired change and opened a path to deep, practical wisdom.

Thank you for this daily program. Today, my first thought was to blow-off my 8 am yoga class with Colleen Saidman Yee, one of my most favorite teachers. I was just too tired, and hating myself a little bit. As I woke, I turned first to email, and saw this email come through. Once I practiced being “Happy for no reason,” I popped up, sprang into action, and made it to my mat with 4 minutes to spare, with which I did a little self Reiki on my belly. Thank you so much for your loving and generous support.
Hilary Chasin

“have the courage to be yourself”  

These are powerful words and they came at a time I needed to be reminded…of so many things. Sometimes I don’t think I know who I am to begin with so having the courage to be someone I don’t know is confusing and scary. 

I asked a friend “What does it mean to you to have the courage to be yourself?” His response: “It means I do not worry or let the judgment of others impact me.” 

“Ah,” I thought. It’s okay to not always know who we are; it’s not okay to allow the judgment of others direct one’s self-knowledge in helpful ways.
Julie Roberts-Fronk

In the beginning I wasn’t even opening them — I felt too busy! I have had a hard time with my Reiki self practice lately, getting to bed too late to practice, but I would practice a little bit and fall asleep by the fourth or fifth position. I would often wake up and go to the next position, but it felt as if I wasn’t really practicing enough. I would often practice more during the day, but even then, I was feeling rushed!  

After three or four days of putting off the happy Reiki emails, I finally opened one — I laughed out loud because I had been putting them off! They were all so lovely and sweet and easy to respond positively to, I felt as if I had been so silly to put them off! So then I looked forward to them — they were like a small jolt of happiness every day. They made me see how much happiness is a choice that we make moment to moment. For that I am grateful.
Emma Goldman-Sherman

Your opportunity to be happy

As Benjamin Franklin said, “Lost time is never found again.” This is your opportunity to be happy. This moment. Choose your happiness above all else, and see how that affects the rest of the day’s choices.

The 21-day Happiness Secrets are yours as my gift. There is no fee whatsoever, and I will never share your contact information with anyone, so you can safely reach for this support by clicking this link.

Why not choose to Be Happy Now? Please click and share with friends who want to be happy, whether or not they practice Reiki.

1 thought on “Happy Now”

  1. Thank you for the daily happiness reminders. They have been an inspiration to choose to be happy in the present moment and share that happiness with others. I felt a sense of calmness and peace when I read them and was reminded to be happy during my daily reiki practice as well. Sometimes there is so much going on in today’s fast-paced world that a little reminder is needed.

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