Reiki Passion, Reiki Precepts

Sitting on a rooftop terrace, I drink in the Buenos Aires skyline with my green tea. My last day in Argentina is overcast. Low light enriches the city’s colors, revealing nuances that disappear whenever the sun burns through with its bright light and harsh contrasts.

One day and a red-eye later, legs up on my sofa instead of my carry-on, suitcases (mostly) unpacked, my mind in that travel space of no-time, the New York morning is also gray, the earthy colors in view enriched by subdued winter light.

The past month has been filled with sunshine as warm and unrelenting as Argentine passion, so at first it seems curious that my visit ends in tempered gray. Curious, yes, and also a gift.

Gray invites contemplation, so useful in times of transition, a mental siesta to help my heart digest the richness of my Argentine feast.

I’m drawn to the stimulation of bright sun, but life is not black and white. Sitting in the shadows, Reiki hands in place, it dawns on me that passion is useful when it inspires us to practice regularly and reach out to each other, and not so useful when it divides us or leads us away from on-going self-inquiry and into blind assumptions.

Today only…

Related Reading:
When Reiki Diversity Becomes Reiki Adversity
Reiki Precepts
Today Only

INVITING HAPPINESS: The Reiki Precepts Retreat

8 thoughts on “Reiki Passion, Reiki Precepts”

    1. Why would I need to rewrite my book, David? Although I have asked many times in the comments that you have written throughout the blog, you have offered no documentation to support any of your assertions. There is also no indication that you have read my book, so it’s unclear what basis you have for suggesting it be rewritten.

    1. That’s not the question, David. The question is on what basis you think your translation is more accurate than Inamoto-sensei’s? If you are going to make corrections, you need to let us know what your rationale is. I’m wondering if you have read the Precepts translation offered here.

      The translation of the Precepts is something I spent a lot of time on when writing my book, because I had long felt there was more to the Precepts than the commonly used versions. I questioned Inamoto-sensei at length; he was very generous with his time.

      Not wanting to offer the Reiki community a stool resting on a single leg, I also checked his translation with other native Japanese speakers, who corroborated it.

      I am aware that mistakes can always happen, and since I am very careful about what I publish, I very much appreciate corrections that can be documented.

  1. This is such an important thing to touch upon. Reiki, for me, is a personal practice before anything else. That passion for it must fuel my own actions, my own beliefs, my own committment to that path. In any field, there is divisiveness. As you said, though — “Just for today” I will not get sucked into useless soapbox battles. Instead, I will pour that energy back into my own practice!

    1. David Miller Ramsay

      Mikao Usui`s precepts a more accurate translation

      This is Mikao Usui`s precepts as some have been give a slightly distorted version, I thought it would be nice to post a more accurate translation.Any referernce to `honouring your elders,parents and teachers is a later addtion to the list and not what Mikao Usui taught !

      The secret of living happiness through many blessings

      The spiritual medicine for all illness

      For today only;

      Do not anger

      Do not worry

      Be humble

      Be honest in your dealings with people

      Be compassionate to yourself and others.

      Do Gassho every morning and evening,keep in your mind and recite.

      The founder Mikao Usui.

      The precepts were the hub to the system and is said to bring as much spiritual development to all who practice daily .

      1. Do I understand correctly, David, that you are offering a more accurate translation than the one offered above, which was given by Japanese Reiki master Hyakuten Inamoto, a long time Buddhist monk and Reiki master in the Hayashi lineage?

        May I ask on what basis you assert that your translation is more accurate than Inamoto-sensei’s?

  2. Pamela, thanks for this beautiful reflection. When you type “Reiki hands in place ”
    talk about your passion for Reiki. It is this passion that enriches your work and helps us all to live in the clarity that provides Reiki and continue learning and growing, bearing in mind the necessity of our being … “Reiki hands in place ”
    A hug and safe return.

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