Reducing anxiety and pain are the two most documented benefits in Reiki medical research, and who doesn’t experience anxiety and pain in the dentist’s chair?
You’ll want to share this story of how self Reiki helped Paula Elofson-Gardine of Denver heal her dental and knee injuries and surgeries. And when, like Paula, you need a follow-up Reiki article to explain the Reiki practice difference, try How Does Reiki Help.
Self Reiki for Oral Surgery and Knee Recovery
by Paula Elofson-Gardine
Halloween 2014 was really scary!
I took a bad fall while visiting Canada, tearing my meniscus laterally in both knees, and breaking off two teeth in my lower left jaw. Being away from home made recovering from the shock and pain of the injury that much harder.
The orthopedist wanted to do knee replacements. I said, “No, thank you,” and stepped up my Reiki practice.
Both knees are now much better.
The teeth have taken longer. Due to many delays on my (former) dentist’s part, I was very concerned it could turn into a bone infection. And it did.
I finally went to a new dentist. He took one look and said I needed a series of surgeries to fix my mouth. Specifically, I needed the bone infection scraped away, a sinus lift on the upper right, a bone graft, two implants, and the two broken teeth removed. OUCH!
While removing the stitches after the first surgery, the oral surgeon said he was amazed at how well I healed from the surgery, that it looked really great.
That was May 2015.
More surgery a year later
The oral surgeon outlined a plan of three surgeries to correct the damage.
We started in May 2016 with a ridge augmentation so he could later place two implants where the broken teeth had been removed.
Ridge augmentation means peeling the tissue away from the teeth and jaw, making cuts along the jaw bone to create room for the bone grafts and implants.
The second surgery couldn’t be done until the circulation was restored to the area. Without circulation, the tissue would die.
I returned to have the stitches removed three weeks after the ridge augmentation. Again, he was shocked by how rapidly I recovered from the surgery, saying the surgical area looked great.
Self Reiki meant less surgery
The second surgery was in late June 2016.
I had healed so well from the first surgery that he was able to place the bone grafts and the two implant posts. He accomplished all the work in two surgeries instead of the expected three! What a relief!
I just went back to have those stitches removed. He remarked that he thought I would take longer to heal due to my age, but it looked beautiful, pink, healthy, and healed like a child could heal. I said: “I know, right? Each time, I have healed really well.”
He replied: “Yes, better than any patients I’ve seen before. I am thinking of doing a case study on you for this remarkable healing and have it published.”
And the secret is
I asked if he wanted to know my secret. Of course he did!
I told him I rinsed the surgical area with my WaterPik on its lowest setting to stimulate circulation and practiced self Reiki.
He said whatever it was I was doing, I had demonstrated remarkable healing with each surgery.
When I see him in a few weeks, I’ll bring a few Reiki articles to help him understand the expedited self healing he observed.
I am writing this having just had a tooth removed after having a nasty abscess lanced that caused the whole side of my face to swell. It has left me a bit shell shocked after being told and also realising myself how much damage the infection could have caused. I am following advice of Mrs. Takata to thoroughly treat the adrenals after injury or trauma which is one of the positions in my self-treatment protocol anyway. I have had a twinge of fear creep in about Reiki healing a wound that needs to drain and close slowly too soon. This obviously wasn’t a concern for Val.
Hope you feel better soon! And in case this is helpful: Reiki practice supports your body’s ability to self heal. Self healing happens from within. Seems unlikely such organic healing would happen out of sync with your body.
Thank you so much
Wonderful and Inspirational story. I wanted to ask, when you did reiki for the dental, did you put your hands on the mouth area and how often did you perform self reiki?
Hi Pamela, this is really amazing. I was wondering if you did any special placements of the hands for the dental healings? Like touching the teeth, gums or jaw, etc? Or did you just go through the regular series of self-treatment positions each day? Thank you. :)
That’s a good question, Val, and I don’t know the answer because I wasn’t involved; this is Paula’s story. I’ll reach out to her for a response.
Hi Val and Pamela,
I did the usual self Reiki routine, then gave extra time with my hands on both sides of my jaw. I also like to just rest with giving Reiki to myself by placing my hands over my chest.
Best Wishes, Paula
Hello, I have just read this beautiful experience and I have a question. My partner has an inflamation arround his dental implant. And I would like to give him Reiki, but I am also bit worried – could it cause implant rejection? Were Paula’s implants OK after Reiki? Thank you very much.
I have a tear in my left knee due to a fall. How did Reiki help you with this?
Dayle, Reiki practice accelerates the natural course of healing by optimizing your body’s self healing mechanisms. You might want to read How Does Reiki Help.
What a wonderful story!
I’ve used self reiki even during the dentist visit, by laying my hands on my legs during the whole procedure. It helped me move my attention away from the head and even go though cavity repair without any anesthesia. The peaceful feeling Reiki gave me was enough to cope with it.
I am so impressed, Diderik! I practice Reiki during dental procedures, but I also ask for novocaine. :-)
That is awesome Diederik! I do a “pre dental appointment” preparation sending Reiki ahead to guide the dentist or surgeon’s hands and to keep myself calm and in a good space. Seems to work!
A year ago I sustained a right ACL injury to my knee with a sudden fall in a wet bridge during a herb walk. I was among herbalists, one of which was a Reiki Master who immediately treated me on the spot. Once I was back at her house she gave me arnica to apply directing to the knee to reduce swelling and bruising. It was the quickest recovery from an ACL injury I have every had.
How lucky for you to have Reiki hands there on the spot, Heidi!
Getting treatment fast means a better outcome, partially because there is less swelling to be resolved. Doctors speak of the Golden Hour, or even the Platinum Half-Hour.