Event planner, yoga teacher, and now Reiki Second degree practitioner Evelyn Pate showed up in my Reiki First degree class just in time to support her parents through her father’s last year, and shares some of the sweetness of her experience, special for Mother’s Day!
Reiki Healing for Mom…and Me
By Evelyn Pate
I had been practicing Reiki on my mom casually for several months, mostly distant Reiki treatment since we do not live nearby. But I visit her at least twice a month, and when I do, we usually arrange a bedtime treatment.
During my father’s illness and recent passing, my Reiki practice was another way for my mother and I to heal together. I started offering treatment more often, and I learned to just be with my mom without looking or expecting an outcome. No judgments, no expectations, just Love and Being Present.
Three weeks ago, we learned she needed immediate macular repair on her retina. As soon as I found out, I began sending daily Reiki treatment.
Reiki healing before surgery
The night before her surgery, I stayed at her house and gave her a Reiki treatment before bed. We shared a large king bed that night and it seems I had one hand on her – on her arm, her head – throughout the night.
The next morning, as per typical pre-surgery instructions, she wasn’t allowed to eat. I offered another Reiki treatment to distract her from the breakfast she was missing.
It was the first time in a long time that I’ve seen my mother in a deep state of relaxation. I did not say anything or mention my thoughts to her. Afterwards, she asked if it is “normal” to feel so relaxed during a Reiki treatment.
She was now rested and ready to head into surgery. I stayed with her in the pre-op area, keeping a Reiki hand on her until she went into the O.R. for her two-hour surgery.
Reiki treatment after surgery
When we returned home that day, I encouraged my mother to lie down on her stomach to “practice” her new face-down resting position, per the doctor’s orders. I offered to practice Reiki while she rested. She was fast asleep after just a few minutes. She awoke recharged, headed into the family room, and asked what everyone would like for dinner!
At the mandatory follow-up appointment the next day, the surgeon said the operation was a success and she didn’t have any swelling or side effects.
That afternoon, I gave her a mini-treatment while she rested after lunch. The next day – just two days after surgery – she had another post-operative appointment with the eye surgeon. He reported the hole in her eye was completely closed and already sealed!
At her one-week post-op appointment yesterday, the doctor remarked how she was really coming along for someone just “two weeks out.” She reminded him it had been only one week since her surgery, and his eyebrows shot up.
“One week ago?” he asked. “You really are coming along then. You’ve already gotten back some of your peripheral vision. You’re way ahead of the game.”
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Very loving story, great to hear of her speedy recovery.
My mother liked when I reiki’d her so much, she went and got attuned so she could reiki herself all the time!
Pamela, thank you for this post and Evelyn, thank you for sharing your story. I especially appreciated your sharing…… “I learned to just be with my mom without looking or expecting an outcome. No judgments, no expectations, just Love and Being Present.” What a wonderful gift for your mom and yourself as well. I feel that is the gift of Reiki and to a facilitation of healing, whether for oneself or for another. Thank you for expressing it so well.
Evelyn, thank you for sharing your story!
I think that we will begin to see the full potential of reiki once reiki practitioners are hired as hospital staff, and patients have the same access to reiki treatment like your mom.
Happy Mother’s Day!
A heart-warming and moving account both of a precious mother-daughter relationship, and the dramatic benefits to the physical and emotional bodies that Reiki can often bring. Thank you, Evelyn Pate, for this Mother’s Day gift!