Medical Reiki Wishlist

The process of putting together a new presentation is an invigorating time.

Even when it’s material I’ve presented many times, new insights arrive each time I revisit it: a deeper understanding of the material itself, and new ideas of how to serve it fresh in the most delicious way. If it’s not appetizing, who is going to bother digesting it?

Then it occurred to me — why not ask the experts themselves — you! You’re the expert on what you need to know to collaborate more effectively in health care.

Who knows better than you do what your specific questions are, and precisely where you need a fresh perspective? You know exactly where your tongue gets tied–or so loose that you send people scurrying down the block.

Do you have specific questions about the most effective ways to approach physicians and hospital administrators? Or do you need tips on collaboration, how to be a team player, carrying your authority as the Reiki specialist without being overbearing?

Please share your needs in a comment below.


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23 thoughts on “Medical Reiki Wishlist”

  1. Bobby, I appreciate your generosity in wanting to share something that you find meaningful, but I’m going to decline your offer. My practice is traditional Usui/Hayashi/Takata, no embellishments, and I am very content.

    I also have strong feelings about informed consent, in that when people ask for a Reiki treatment, they should be able to trust that they will receive only a Reiki treatment, that the practitioner is not adding anything. This is not a statement of value about the modality (even prayer) that might be added, but simply honoring the recipient’s choice.

  2. Thank you so much for getting back to me, I really appreciate it. I’m going to continue to pursue practicing Reiki in the hospital setting, and I will take your advice.

    I wondered if you were familiar with some of the work of Reiki Master Rev. Dr. Michael Santos? I have something I’d like to share with you, but don’t know if you are already familiar with his protocol regarding Archangels. Let me know if you’re interested, and I’ll send you the information.

    Thanks also for allowing us to share on this forum,

  3. Thank you for the suggestion, Bobby.

    Offering Reiki treatment in a hospital is quite a different experience than offering treatment to a private client. It is a different context and relationship between Reiki practitioner and receiver. Any written materials made available to a patient in a hospital have to be cleared by the hospital administration. Also, there is pre-interview, no verbalizing of needs. The practitioner simply gives the patient the basic information needed so that the patient can agree or decline treatment. If the patient is interested, the practitioner places hands. The practitioner does not share feedback.

    Creating one’s own brochure is an important step in developing oneself as a practitioner. It’s a challenge to communicate Reiki in clear, neutral language. The prospective client who reads the brochure needs to get a sense of who the practitioner is, and what his experience and perspective are.

    If you are interested in mainstreaming Reiki in your area, I suggest you consider taking the Intro to Medical Reiki webinar.

  4. Pamela,

    I have an idea for you. I think it would be helpful to practitioners to have some sort of tri-fold or bi-fold brochure to give to patients and their families that are in a hospital setting in order for them have not only a written description of Reiki, but also pictures of someone receiving a treatment. Some of your personal experiences and patient testimonies included would also be nice. Sometimes, as you know, it can be a very emotional experience when you first meet a patient, and it can be difficult to verbalize all that needs to be discussed before a treatment. Especially when, as a practitioner, you start receiving or channeling information about the patient.

    I am a 3rd degree Reiki practitioner who is very interested in finding a hospital that is close to me to practice Reiki in. I’m in a very very rural area, in Southern Virginia, right on the VA/NC border. Reiki is not commonly practiced here, even in the mainstream community, but I know I’m supposed to be practicing in a hospital. I am hoping that in due time, I will be able to do so.

    Thanks in advance for your time and consideration of my idea.

  5. Great comments! I’ve been having trouble introducing zero point energy healing to people and I think I now have a better idea of how to approach people. Thanks!

  6. Pamela, I sent you a longer version of my comments via email but I wanted to post a brief note here for those who still may be considering taking the webinar.
    1) It is worth every dime
    2)It is worth your time
    3)It was thoughtful and in depth and expertly presented
    4)It was rich in substance and guidance
    5)It broke a ‘language of Reiki’ barrier that only a seasoned master of experience can provide
    6) It helped de- junk some of our Reiki vocabularies
    7)It was very detailed and supportive in giving clear pictures of how to establish a Reiki in Medicine practice
    8)It helped de-mystify research
    9)It gave a very clear outline in a 4-Phase format to make a health care connection or proposal
    And so much more…very solid-very informative-very supportive Thank you again. I also love the fact we can access it more than once. It was a lot to take in at one listen.

  7. Marissa, I sent an email to everyone last night explaining that there were tech problems which we are (slowly) resolving. Did you not receive it? Please check and if not, email me directly. Thanks.

  8. Hi I was signed up for the webinar and couldn’t make it. Will there be a link soon? Can’t wait to hear the conversations and add my thoughts.


  9. Gerianne Hummel

    I’ve read all the comments so far and they really cover what’s on my mind for the webinar. . . Thanks to all and I look forward to the class!
    Thanks Pamela!

  10. Kathy Heffernan

    Hi Pamela,

    I took your two day course in Seattle in 2008 and am looking forward to this refresher course—thanks!

    My question: In describing reiki as a spiritual practice , could you please elaborate further on how you attempt to describe something “spiritual” in an evidence-based hospital setting? I’ve heard you say that if the word “spiritual” does not work, try using “vibrational”—I have found that either term can evoke confused expressions at times and wondered how you explain reiki as a spiritual (or vibrational) practice.

    I am also interested in current research articles you recommend (in addition to yours, of course) that can be handed to a surgeon, for example, to explain how reiki can support patients post-op….The research done at the University of Washington several years ago apparently did not “prove” that reiki has benefit for patients (I don’t have a copy of the article, so I am vastly generalizing)

    Thanks for incorporating these two topics!

  11. Welcome aboard, Laurie. And you’ll get so much more out of the material because you committed to your own choice. I look forward to supporting your success.

  12. “One point, Laurie, is that I never try to convince anyone of anything. It’s not the kind of relationship I want to have with people.”

    Thanks for the correction.

    Ok, I’m signed up!


  13. Yes, Alice, we will be discussing these questions. Although I am all for Reiki practitioners being paid, it may be premature for a recently trained practitioner to expect to be paid. When I am supervising a student to become a professional, I have her go through the process gradually, first giving treatment to friends, then ask your friends to refer their friends. If there is expense involved (babysitter, room rental, transportation, etc.), then it’s fine to ask someone to cover that.

    However, it’s important to log-in a considerable number of treatment hours before putting yourself forth as a professional. Having a certificate is not sufficient. Professionals have enough experience that they have developed the expertise needed to structure the session, educate and support the client, and stay within their scope of practice.

    Jo, you have to work out the details of billing in each situation, but generally if it’s a hospital program and you are being paid, you would invoice the hospital, if they are paying, or the organization that is funding the program.

  14. As a recent 2nd degree student, I’m wanting to offer Reiki in hospitals, nursing homes and/or hospice facilities. I expect the conversation on Saturday will address my major concerns – how to approach, who, what to say, etc. And what about being paid for the sessions? Do I start with offering Reiki for free (and among my friends, one 1 has accepted that)? I’m committed to contributing and I need to be compensated. You know, “Earn my living honestly” .

  15. I would like to know about billing. How does one bill for services in the medical field, say a hospital for example. I have a small private practice I run from home so payment is tranfered from my clients to me. How would this work in a hospital?

  16. Connie, explaining where the “Reiki energy” comes from is a real problem. Fortunately it’s one I don’t have. I don’t subscribe to that model, and find it very limited. The “energy” that people feel is their own biofield reorganizing. The sensations are identical to what is felt in any good healing, whether it’s acupuncture, shiatsu, or someone who is gifted and doesn’t use a particular technique. As I see it, Reiki healing is essentially self-healing, and the practitioner merely offers the connection that reminds even an overwhelmed system of its capacity to self-heal.

    You might want to read

  17. Connie Bunting

    I have improved my explanation, thanks to your sharing, and no longer include source of the Reiki, etc., but still struggle when explaining how Reiki enhances, increases, boosts, the natural ability of the body to heal. How do we include where the Reiki energy comes from for those more logical minds???


    Connie Bunting

  18. Abby and Laurie, thank you for confirming what needs to be discussed in the webinar. Everything you’ve mentioned is already in place.

    One point, Laurie, is that I never try to convince anyone of anything. It’s not the kind of relationship I want to have with people. And it’s worked well in health care because critical thinkers such as physicians become very skeptical the minute they think you’re trying to sell them something. You might want to read

    Aiyana, you bring up an important challenge–how to represent Reiki accurately without putting people off. Part of what makes this so challenging is that Reiki practitioners often don’t have an accurate view of what is mainstream.

    The mainstream public has never heard of “energy healing,” so by using that phrase to define Reiki, you are setting up a roadblock. (And that’s without even getting into the question of whether Reiki practice is energy healing.) That’s why I refer to Reiki as a spiritual, or subtle, healing practice. What people come to understand in time is that Reiki treatment heals by enhancing our connection to the “something larger,” as you put it, the ultimate inviolable oneness, which is Reiki.

  19. Pamela, I made up a postcared for my Reiki practice saying, “Reiki is a form of hands-on energy healing that helps you relax and get in touch with your body’s natural ability to heal.” This is demystified, but I think it may also leave out the connection with something larger, which is also a part of Reiki.

  20. Hi Pamela, thanks for asking!

    1) The easiest way to describe Reiki in a medical setting, especially if medical staff have never heard of it or are dubious about it.
    2) What kind of backup (research studies, proof) can you suggest for a Reiki practitioner if they need to convince medical staff of the effectiveness of Reiki in a hospital setting. Your site for one:) , and are there others?
    3) How Reiki and the practitioner collaborate with the medical staff
    4) How Reiki benefits the traditional treatment protocol
    5) If there is not already a complementary/alternative medical unit/area/office, how would the Reiki practitioner discuss where Reiki would fit?
    6) With a hospice organization, again where there may be skepticism or no prior history of complementary/alternative healing, the easiest way to describe what Reiki can do during the end of life process, including collaboration with existing structure. Also, the easiest way to describe how Reiki benefits friends and family during this time.

    I’m saying ‘easiest’ above, because one of the things I’ve learned from you is the importance of describing Reiki in short, clear terms, minus the ‘woo woo’ :). I practice that with personal clients, but I also wonder if the explanation would be different in talking to medical staff? I am just about to step out into medical facilities and I am also interested in hospice, so I am a ‘newbie,’ which might be obvious from these questions! I think I’m reiterating many of your already existing points, so look at these as confirming your curriculum. This webinar will be so instructive. Thank you!

  21. Pamela, my question would be how to you work with hostility! Bringing Reiki into Hospitals to be recognised as an acceptable form of therapy is unheard of in Ireland. So I would be starting from absolute scratch. Most hospitals here are Catholic and have a culture of fear around anything they have no control over, i.e. Reiki.

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