It’s a Wonderful Reiki Life
by Nancy Arnott
One of the films playing nonstop on TV every holiday season is the classic “It’s a Wonderful Life,” in which Clarence the angel shows the despondent George Bailey how the lives of his family, friends and neighbors would have been changed for the worse if he had never been born.
Seeing this what-if scenario played out fills George with gratitude for his blessings, which are considerable even at this low point in his fortunes, and for the contributions he has been able to make to his loved ones and his community.
Reiki practice gifts
As another year draws to an end, I too have been reflecting — not on how the world would be different if I hadn’t been born, but about how my life would be different if I hadn’t learned to practice Reiki seven years ago.
There’s so much that I would be missing out on! Among other things, I would miss:
– How my nightly Reiki self-treatments reliably soothe me to sleep, making insomnia a thing of the past.
– How the balancing effect of Reiki self-treatment helps this middle-aged woman stay on an even keel through perimenopause, without four-alarm hot flashes or roller-coaster mood swings.
– The way that Reiki, as a spiritual practice, helps me stay centered in the present moment rather than getting caught up in regrets about the past or anxieties about the future. It has strengthened my ability to accept and work with the way events are unfolding even when they don’t follow my desires or timetable.
– The satisfaction I’ve felt from sharing Reiki’s benefits with others, from family and friends to hospital patients to private clients. Every treatment truly is shared, bringing me as well as the recipient a deeper sense of well-being.
– The richness my life has gained from new friendships and being part of a diverse Reiki community. Practicing with others at public events like the JCC Reiki Clinic and the JCC Spa Day for Women with Cancer enables me connect with fellow practitioners and exchange ideas and experiences.
What wonderful things has practicing Reiki brought into your life? Please share as a comment below.
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In this busy, busy world we all live in sometimes it’s easy to forget ourselves, just like that ‘ol saying about the plumber’s leaky pipes! But, the Light truly showed me the error of my fast paced ways, with a most unexpected healing.. mine. I will not put myself on the back burner again:))
Reiki Blessings<3
My Reiki self care has helped me in so many ways. Recently I’ve become more aware that Reiki is helping me to look at the reasons and expectations behind my decisions and to accept responsibility for the outcome. To verbalize my needs and expectations rather than assume others will know and respond.
Thank you for this article! :) I am Reiki II Practitioner and I love it! I would like to do more of it in my life, especially to help others, and hope to expand my Reiki awareness. What I love the most about reiki sessions is how close it can bring a group of people together, because when healing is the intention, magic is in the air. It is a blessing to be a part of the Reiki community and thank you for sharing your story! ~Oh, and you are right! When I self heal at night, I sleep like a baby!!~
Namaste, friends!
Reiki has helped to balance my life personally and professionally. Before they removed my late brother’s life support tubes, I gave him a treatment, and his last breath was uttered with the removal of the tubes. We were all so grateful for such a gift. A Reiki treatment relieved a friend’s intense, chronic shoulder pain. Reiki is a constant plus in my cat practice, another tool that enables me to help the cats to become happy so they can make their guardians happy. My late cat Orion was the catalyst for my becoming a Reiki practitioner.
Nancy, thanks for this opportunity to count my Reiki blessings on our teacher’s page.
Thank You for sharing!
I began my personal Reiki practice in September and I am so very grateful. Letting go of anxiety, connecting with my spirituality, ALWAYS falling asleep gracefully at night. Very grateful.
My most recent Reiki “gift” came to me after Reiki self-treatment in which I was focused on relieving relentless knee pain STILL 3-months post total left knee replacement surgery. I was pondering the possibility that I was destined “walk with a limp” due to “guarding” which the pain caused me to do. After Reiki self-treatment in which I focused on my dilemma, I was unmistakably drawn to research post-surgical scar tissue release (this, after being told by orthopedist that my result “is what it is”) – but in reality, one session with a massage therapist that I suddenly “happened” upon who specializes in this very thing (scar tissue release), took my “limp” away. I thank Reiki self-practice for the gift of leading me to her.