The 2 Biggest Challenges of Reiki Practice

Reiki Practice Simplicity

Reiki practice is simple. How simple?

Very simple.

In fact, simplicity is the biggest challenge Reiki students face.

Reiki practice is so simple you’d think it could be learned quickly, but actually, Reiki practice is so simple that students need time to learn it (especially the smart ones, who really want to complicate it).

Of course the hand placements are learned quickly, but it takes time for students to grasp the effectiveness of simply placing their Reiki hands.

Effective as in life-changing.

Reiki students need time to practice in class and at home, and to hear their teacher’s support: “Yes, you are practicing correctly. Yes, it’s really that simple.”

If students don’t have enough time to appreciate the effectiveness of Reiki practice, and to feel confident in their ability to practice, it’s unlikely they will continue to practice Reiki on their own.

It’s just too simple.

And the other challenge?

The second biggest challenge of Reiki practice is discipline.

Discipline is also simple.

We simply practice.

Every day.


How comfortable are you talking about Reiki practice? Do you have trouble keeping it simple enough to pique people’s interest? In the Communicating Reiki Mainstream talk, I’ll share insights and strategies from 27 years of Reiki practice to help you improve your Reiki talk immediately. Below is where I’ll give the talk this summer. I hope to meet you soon:

  • London, England, Saturday, July 12
  • Copenhagen, Denmark, Tuesday, July 15
  • San Sebastián, Spain, Friday, July 18 — email me
  • Paris, France, Wednesday, July 23
  • Guernsey date and details to be announced — email me

Register here for any of the Communicating Reiki Mainstream talks. Together, let’s get the word out about Reiki practice so that others want what we have, and they can get the benefits we already enjoy!

Can’t get to the talk? Listen to Mainstreaming Reiki on your phone or computer.

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