Libba Lyons asked me to refer her to qualified local Reiki master. I didn’t know one, but offered these guidelines to help her find a class that was a good match for her. Libba recently sent this update, which I share with her permission:
My First Reiki Healing Month
by Libba Lyons
Nearly a month has passed since I completed Reiki First degree training.
In that time, I have practiced Reiki healing daily on myself, and have started to notice subtle but very definite changes. I feel calmer and more at peace with myself as I am.
I have come to realize how much I want to express myself with love and creativity. It is leading me to consider changes in my work that will allow me to live authentically according to my talents and interests. This is an exciting process for me.
I first learned about Reiki through reading your book REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide.
Reiki healing my mother
I was drawn to Reiki practice by my desire to help my mother.
Four years ago, she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia. It has been a terrifying experience for her, and witnessing her anguish has been difficult for me as well. I have wanted badly for her to feel better, and the course of medications has done very little to help her.
Last year, my mother fell and broke her hip and had to have it replaced. She has been in some pain since then and has been very anxious and depressed.
Mother becomes particularly agitated as I prepare to leave her after visiting for the day. When I read about Reiki practice, I thought that it would be a way to help us both to deal more productively with a situation that neither of us can change.
Mother’s words
I have given her Reiki treatments over the past three weeks. Since then, she has reported to me that she has no more pain.
Each time I give her a Reiki treatment, she falls asleep. When she wakes up, she tells me she feels relaxed and very good. Now when I leave her she stays in good spirits and sees me off with a smile.
My mother has aphasia so it is difficult for her to talk to me. However, after one treatment I was surprised to hear her say “I have joy and happiness with you” — a remarkably clear and full utterance.
I am now an avid student of Reiki practice and inspired by it more than I can express. I am very grateful I found you through your book and web site. Thank you!
Has your Reiki practice helped an aging parent? Please share your story in a comment.
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What a wonderful story. I became a Reiki 1&2 level practitioner 10 months ago. My mother suffers from frontal lobe dementia. It’s awful to see her go through this. She has been very receptive to my Reiki treatments. I can see it working during my sessions with her. It’s amazing! I’m happy to do whatever I can to make her time left on this earth happy and peaceful.
Thank you Libba for sharing your story. I too, am using Reiki to help my aging parents. My father had a heart attack a few years ago, and could not have surgery. I went to visit him and did a series of 3 Reiki sessions with him and his wife participating. He said the treatment was just like Grampa Bill used to do. (real Lakota Medicine man-1950’s) He is still with us, but not for much longer. My mother’s arm was broken by a dog bite attack. After the cast was removed, I gave her reiki to help relieve the pain, and saw the energy flow back through the broken wrist joint. She has fully recovered now. I’m a Reiki master, and have taught 3 of my 5 adult children Reiki. They have level 1 and 2. My granddaughter has also been doing Reiki since age 4, she’s 8 now. Finally, as a former HOSPICE nurse, I’ve found that giving Reiki near the end of life has helped decrease the pain, and increased the sense of peace for the patient.
Belva, thank you for sharing your varied experiences practicing Reiki on your aging parents and in hospice.
Why did you wait for the cast to be removed before practicing Reiki on your mother’s arm? Why not place your hands on the cast?
I live 4 hours away from my mother. I had been sending her long distance reiki while she recuperated. She came to visit after she had the cast removed, complaining of pain in her wrist. Then I positioned my hands above and around her wrist while my daughter had her hands beyond the tips of her fingers. The energy moved back into and thru the dark space between her arm and her hand. And the pain was eased. Whenever I am asked to give reiki to someone who is ill or in the hospital, I go.
Thank you Libba for sharing your story. My mother used to find Reiki very helpful too with all her health conditions. She passed away earlier this month. I was able to spend the last few days with her and give her Reiki. I feel that Reiki helped me hugely to be with her and I got a sense of receiving more than what I was giving when I would place my Reiki hands on her. She was diagnosed with multiple myeloma towards the end and was in quite a lot of discomfort. But the last two days of her life, she seemed to be asleep and was quite peaceful. Amongst other things, she was suffering from dementia as well. I found the book – Gift of Alzheimer’s – by Maggie La Tourelle very helpful for being with her.
Mamta, I am so sorry to read of your mother’s passing and send my deepest condolences.
Thank you for taking the time to share how Reiki practice helped both you and your mother.
Thank you Pamela.
What a beautiful story. Thank you so much, Libba, for sharing…