Reiki healing eases anxiety and helps people make the changes they want and need. I remember meeting Andrew. Like many, he came to the Reiki clinic to receive treatment, not realizing he could learn to practice on himself. I hope Andrew’s story inspires you to thank your Reiki master — and yourself — as you contemplate the many blessings your Reiki practice brings to you and your world.
Reiki Healing Eases Anxiety & Supports Positive Change
by Andrew Hodapp
My credo is the universe provides exactly what I need to be happy and live a fulfilling life. My job is to watch for those opportunities and take advantage of them when they occur.
One of those opportunities came in the form of Reiki practice and Pamela Miles.
Reiki treatment eases knee pain
I had major surgery on both of my knees in 2012 and wasn’t healing well. I hoped a few Reiki treatments would speed up the process. After my first Reiki treatment in Minnesota, my knees felt better. I also experienced a sense of calm during the treatment.
Looking to continue treatment when I visited New York City in January 2013, I found information on the Thursday JCC Reiki Clinic. I received treatment and more important, discovered I could learn to practice Reiki on myself. I signed up for Pamela’s First degree class the following week and have been grateful ever since.
Reiki practice eases anxiety, empowers change
I made some difficult changes in 2012 and 2013. I left the security of a job that made me deeply unhappy, moved across the country, and ultimately out of the country.
In the past, I’ve not dealt well with uncertainty; this past year of my life has been fraught with uncertainty.
My daily Reiki self-practice has greatly improved my ability to deal with uncertainty, empowering me to make the changes I’ve needed to make.
Instead of worrying about the future and becoming paralyzed with anxiety, I’ve been able to take risks and make positive changes in my life while maintaining the conviction that everything is working out just fine.
Reiki practice brings spiritual support
I reached for Reiki treatment in the hope of alleviating my physical pain, but after 10 months of daily practice I’ve realized what I really needed was a spiritual foundation on which to live my life.
My Reiki practice is developing that spiritual foundation, creating space and a time to just be — a space that’s free of worry, fear, and anxiety. If I find myself overwhelmed or feeling I’ve made a terrible mistake, my Reiki practice restores a sense of well-being.
I’m extremely grateful today for Reiki, Pamela Miles and the time I’ve dedicated to my Reiki practice. It’s changed my life.
*Whom do you want to thank for your Reiki practice? Please share your gratitude in a comment below.
MAINSTREAMING REIKI webinar recordings support your personal or professional Reiki practice. You can download and listen at your own pace. Topics include:
How to Explain Reiki?
Where’s the Proof?
Professional Readiness
What is Spirituality?
Is Reiki Safe?
Are there other topics you’d like discussed in this series? Please email me.
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I would love to have reiki as a treatment but it is so expensive to have more than one session . I have anxiety and feel unwell and to be honest do not know where to turn.
Jackie, have you thought of learning to practice Reiki on yourself? For a one-time investment, you can practice for life. This article will help you connect with a qualified teacher near you There is also an entire chapter of my book REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide that helps you find a teacher.
Wonderful post and even more wonderful of a story. I can relate in that Reiki has helped me go with the flow of life in a much easier way. I used to try to control things and get very upset when my attachments were not fulfilled. Like Andrew, I have opened up to the insights and opportunities from source, intuition, and the beauty of life. I am always grateful for my Reiki practice in showing me the ease and joy which one can live with!
This article resonates with me. I learned Reiki so that I could help others but I am undoubtedly the person who has gained the most, both through helping others and helping myself. My gratitude is to my Reiki Master Orla Brady who taught me just enough to allow me to practice with confidence but not so much that I couldn’t find my own way. She helped me to see that I was someone I could believe in. I feel honoured to be part of the Reiki legacy and consider it my duty to continue it by teaching Reiki. I recently had a dream that Orla was giving me “treasure” to distribute to others. These were gold and silver cups and plates like the ones given out at a school prize giving. I became so distracted by other responsibilities in my dream that I never gave these treasures to anyone. I fact I left them behind in her house. I take this as a message reminding me of this sacred task and helping me focus my energy and time on it instead of allowing myself to be distracted.
So my Reiki Master even comes to me when I’m sleeping with a gentle reminder!
What a lovely letter of gratitude and acknowledgement of the beauty and simplicity of Reiki, especially when practiced daily.
My Reiki practice has helped me to deal with the kind of patients and families I take care of in the critical care, also not to worry about the future so much.