What’s the Best Reiki Practice?
“My Reiki practice is the best practice.” We can’t help feeling that way. But is it? How can we know for sure?
“My Reiki practice is the best practice.” We can’t help feeling that way. But is it? How can we know for sure?
Former war correspondent Bob Coen offers Reiki treatment to ease suffering in a refugee camp in Africa, his as well as the refugees’.
Six weeks of Reiki First degree practice eases a student through bereavement, improves sleep (hers and her husband’s), and helps her stay centered and peaceful.
Hawayo Takata often said Reiki practitioners don’t pick things up from people. But is this true? Takata’s student Susan Mitchell shares her experience and insight.
Twice bills to regulate Reiki healing have been brought to the Texas legislature. Twice the Reiki community responded, and both bills were dropped.
In the United States, medical and health care law is determined by each state. Do you know if Reiki practice is regulated in your state? Do you know what’s happening in New Jersey?
End of summer, a time to contemplate abundance, and how the abundance of healing in our lives might inspire others to practice Reiki.
Reiki practice opens an inner spaciousness, a sweet heart space in which anxiety and worry dissolve; one yoga teacher’s Reiki healing story.
The first three weeks of Reiki practice reduces anxiety and brings valuable, gentle changes.
Exactly what are you saying when you say, “I don’t care?” NYC cardiologist and women’s heart health expert Suzanne Steinbaum wants you to think about it.
Do you practice Reiki healing when you “need it,” or just every day?
One daughter’s daily Reiki self-treatment and Reiki treatment to her mother makes them both calmer, more comfortable, and improves their relationship.
A daughter follows her intuition and learns to practice Reiki healing for herself and to ease her aging mother’s dementia, pain, depression and anxiety.
Research shows Reiki healing helps the heart and relieves anxiety. Reiki master Ellen Gregg used Reiki self-practice while in the ICU with congestive heart failure.
Your authentic self is closer than you think. Spiritual practice — Reiki, meditation, yoga, your choice — keeps us living in constant self-discovery.
Your obstacle hides your greatest treasure. Here’s how you can unlock it.
When a Reiki First degree student is surprised by unsure hands and her unwillingness to immediately take charge of the situation, she looks inside to understand herself better, and resolves to change.
A Reiki First degree student has relief from osteoarthritis pain, anxiety, and depression, and starts sleeping well, really well — in her first month of Reiki practice.
It’s well established that Reiki practice relieves anxiety, but if you ever feel anxious during your Reiki session, here are tips to help it pass.
Reiki conferences create community and help Reiki practitioners share resources and learn from each other. Boston attendees share their takeaways and plans for Celebration of Reiki 2014.
Reiki master Elise Brenner shares how she came to organize the Celebration of Reiki conference in Watertown MA. I’m hoping it gives you an idea, one whose time has come!
A Reiki practitioner offers her mother Reiki healing after eye surgery and a family loss, with good physical results and a growing sweetness in their relationship.
Offering Reiki treatment to those in need after trauma heals the community and the practitioners: one Reiki practitioner’s story.
Trauma touches caregivers as well as the immediate victims. Reiki healing helps.
Here are tips on offering Reiki healing to those who have been through trauma such as the Boston Marathon bombings or the Newtown, CT school shootings.
Why do the U.S. Catholic Bishops and some Vipassana meditation teachers oppose Reiki practice? How does the Reiki community contribute to such opposition?
Reiki websites can help bring Reiki healing into health care. Here’s how.
What do Reiki healing professionals owe their clients? What requests are reasonable? When it’s time to raise fees, how can we do so gracefully?
When we practice Reiki, we practice being our healthiest, happiest selves. What helps you maintain your practice? What would you like help with?
How can you be in two places at once when you’re not anywhere at all? It takes (Reiki) practice…
A First degree Reiki student helps her brother prepare for and recover from spinal surgery.
Reiki healing may not be the only help you need, but no matter what the problem is, Reiki practice can help you, and here’s why.
Cuando tu vas al doctor, se trata el problema, el dolor de garganta, dolor de estómago, insomnio, lo que sea que te este molestando. Cuando visitas a un practicante de Reiki, te trata a ti como persona con el problema que tengas (o si no tienes ninguna queja, pero eres consciente que tendrás si no cuidas de
How really does Reiki healing help? Let’s take a look.
There is nothing magical about Reiki practice, but after surgery, the pain relief and speed of healing can seem magical.
Essential oils help protect your family from flu and colds, or speed recovery if it’s too late for prevention. David Crow tells us which oils to use and how to use them safely.
What can we add to our lives that helps us gracefully subtract what we don’t really want but can’t quite let go of?
Dawn Aldredge takes “soccer mom” to a new level, playing herself and coaching her daughter’s team. Felled by an ankle injury during a game, her Reiki hand speeds her recovery.