Communicating Reiki with Confidence
Communicating Reiki with confidence is likely easier than you expect. A Reiki master shares the shift that made a difference for her.

Can Reiki Practice Change Your Life?
Starting to practice Reiki self treatment every day is a simple change that can gently, gradually change everything for the better.

Reiki Practice Enters the Business World
UK Reiki practitioner Julie Yarrow can’t meet in London because, using what she learned in class with me, her work schedule is full well in advance. Here’s how she does it.

The 2 Biggest Challenges of Reiki Practice
What are the two biggest challenges to learning (or teaching) Reiki practice? Not what you expect.

Feeling Good with Reiki Practice: What Good Is It?
“I feel good” is one of the most common responses to Reiki treatment. It’s also one of the most important.

3 Simple Steps to Improve Your Reiki Talk
Wouldn’t you like to talk about Reiki as comfortably and effectively as you practice Reiki? You can.

Reiki Practice and Asperger’s
A mother practices Reiki for her own healing, and to help her son who was diagnosed with Asperger’s.

Professional Reiki Skills
An email inquiry about Reiki classes asked, “How long after I get my First degree certificate can I hang out my shingle?”

Reiki Practitioner Development
Save your money. No need to take more Reiki classes. After First degree Reiki training, practitioners develop primarily through this sequence: Practice. Observe. Contemplate. Repeat.

Reiki Eases Grief of Grandmother’s Death
Just two months after leaving her First degree class, a mom’s Reiki practice eases her beloved grandmother’s death and her own grief.

ReikiCentral Update
Changes have come to ReikiCentral. Good changes. More for you, more for your friends.

Hawayo Takata, Reiki & Spirituality
A common misconception is that Hawayo Takata emphasized the physical healing aspects of Reiki practice over the spiritual, but Reiki researcher Robert Fueston reveals what Takata really taught.

Secrets of Ayurveda for Reiki Practitioners
Renowned teacher of Ayurveda Jai Dev Singh shares Ayurvedic secrets particularly useful for Reiki practitioners.

Animal Reiki Practitioner Applicants
How does a supervisor vet animal Reiki practitioner applicants for a shelter that serves 10,000 animals each year? Dona Duke tells us.

Reiki Program at an Animal Shelter
Reiki master and animal shelter volunteer Dona M. Duke organizes a Reiki program for rescue animals.

A Reiki Clinic in an Integrative Medical Center
In just eight months, Reiki master Jeffrey Hotchkiss built a successful weekly Reiki clinic at an integrative medical office in Maine. Here’s how he did it.
Optimism and Healing
What role can optimism play in healing? As we address the facts of our lives and the world around us, mindset is everything.

Reiki Addition
Thinking of adding to your Reiki healing sessions? Here are a couple of points to consider.

Reiki Treatment in European Health Care
Reiki master-in-training Christin Bjergbakke shares her research into the use of Reiki treatment in European health care.

Daily Self Reiki Brings Joy
Daily self Reiki practice only seems daunting until you taste the joy it brings; one Reiki student is surprised by the gifts a little discipline offers.

Reiki Healing Mom’s Passing
Reiki practice is a practice for life, no matter what life brings. Here is one woman’s story of her first few months of daily self-practice.

The mind craves certainty. Practicing consistently appeases the mind’s appetite for certainty and trains it to remain poised in uncertainty.

Back Pain & Underlying Emotional Issues Healed with Reiki
Reiki healing can ease not only back pain that has not responded to other treatment, but also the underlying imbalances.

Practice Equality
Equality is real, but in order to know it, we need to experience it. That takes daily practice — Reiki practice, meditation practice, or another spiritual practice of your choice.

Reiki Self Care Revolution
We’ve started a Reiki self care New Year’s Revolution, a community uprising against whatever keeps you from taking good care of yourself.

The I Practice Self Reiki Every Day Badge of Honor
The I Practice Self Reiki Every Day badge supports your practice and gets the word out about Reiki self care. And it’s free!

Reiki Practice: Not for Today Only
Do you want to ensure the future of Reiki practice, so that it is not for today only? There is something very simple only you can do to help.

The Many Gifts of Reiki Healing
Reiki healing brings many gifts. Nancy Arnott shares how her daily Reiki practice keeps her life balanced.

Reiki Treatment Helped Christina Aguilera Lose Weight (And Can Help You Too!)
Christina Aguilera credits Reiki treatment for her 30-pound weight loss. Reiki keeps her mind in a good space, strengthens her discipline and helps her eat healthy. What works for Christina can work for you, too!

To Breathe or Not to Breathe?
When a new client asked if she should breathe during her Reiki treatment, I wasn’t sure what she had in mind.

One Simple Step to a Gratitude-Fueled Life
Experiencing gratitude can transform your life. Here’s a simple gratitude practice even busy you have time for.

Reiki Healing Eases Anxiety of Risk and Change
Reiki healing brings confidence, reduces pain, and eases anxiety that prevents us from taking the risks needed to be happier and make needed changes.

Usui’s Gakkai
Japanese Reiki master and Buddhist monk Hyakuten Inamoto shares his research about Mikao Usui, the Gakkai, and how Reiki healing was originally taught.
Reiki y el dinero: una conversación con Hyakuten Inamoto y Pamela Miles
Mientras contemplaba cómo involucrar a la comunidad en una conversación productiva sobre Reiki y el dinero, pensé en discutir el tema con Hyakuten Inamoto, un maestro de Reiki de prestigio internacional que ha sido ordenado monje budista no afiliado para más de 40 años. PM: Los practicantes occidentales de Reiki suelen tener molestias y malos

Reiki Healing and Money with Hyakuten Inamoto
Reiki master and Buddhist monk Hyakuten Inamoto discusses Reiki healing and money, Hawayo Takata, Chiyoko Yamaguchi, and the Gakkai.

Reiki Lineage
Does linking Reiki lineage to how you practice rather than your training change anything for you?

Reiki Lineage Comes Alive
Reiki lineage comes alive when Maryland Reiki master Ellen Sosinski invites her master and her master’s master to meet her Reiki students.

Today Only: Stay Safe
“Today only” reminds us to stay safe, to choose carefully where we take body and mind.