Reiki Master: Less Becomes More

The more masterfulReiki practice brings self-mastery around the world

You are

The less you there is.

The more masterful

You are

The more spaciousness

There is to expand into.

The more masterful

You are

The less there is

For those in need to react to.

The more masterful

You are

The more spaciousness

There is for them to open into.

Mastery is over oneself.

It does not arrive

With initiation alone

But develops slowly

With practice


And discipline.

Whether or not you are a Reiki master, how has your practice given you greater self-mastery? Please scroll down to share your thoughts in the comment section.

Original artwork by PaperCutWorks


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8 thoughts on “Reiki Master: Less Becomes More”

  1. Hi Pam
    I wanted to ask you what your thought is of a Reiki Master Teacher’s responsibility is to their student after classes and attunements? Also do you recommend that classes are taken for every level, from Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master? I tried to post this on your facebook as I was also interested in others thoughts!
    Thank you
    Reiki Blessings,

  2. This is a beautiful and thought-provoking poem. I have found that along with the subtle changes I’ve felt in my own practice, my understanding of what exactly is this balance or healing that Reiki promotes has also undergone some major shifts. The final part of your poem, “Mastery is over oneself./ It does not arrive/ With initiation alone/ But develops slowly/ With practice/ Contemplation/ And discipline,” really speaks to me at this time.

    For a long time I held this idea of self-mastery as a sort of micromanagement of the self, but recently I’ve begun to ask myself what is this “self” that I’m trying to master. And now I don’t think it means micromanagement in the sense of trying to dominate certain emotions, feelings, and sensations as much as it means just noticing and accepting them as they come, without being critical or defensive.

    So for me, self-mastery, contemplation and discipline has come to mean being able to sit with parts of my experience I’d rather change or ignore, and realizing that I can allow myself to feel intensely (maybe even irrationally) without avoiding responsibility for the choices I make in life. Sometimes I even dare to ask myself, “would it be okay if you knew that what you are right now is all you will ever be?” This is of course where my Reiki practice comes in. If it weren’t for that, I doubt I’d have the courage to even face any of these inquiries.

  3. Hello All!
    I was attuned to Reiki I in 1996 yet only actually practiced since 2008 after completing Reiki II certification; who knows why twelve years was the magic time but the magic began, nonetheless.

    After recently reading your article and blog on the importance of self-treatments, I began self-treatments 2-3 weeks ago. In this moment I clamber for words to describe the drastic improvement in my sense of wellness, wholeness and confidence. Needless to say, my clients and I have experienced a marked improvement in the quality of our sessions and our communication with each other.

    Masterful is the word I didn’t know I was searching for to describe how I’ve felt lately and particularly when allowing myself as a conduit for Reiki for others. My sphere feels larger; I dream larger dreams of desires for my life and a career to serve others through Reiki and other spiritual practices and healing arts modalities.

    I’ve not been the most disciplined person however, I now feel more inclined to do so. Although the physical evidence of material prosperity has not appeared, I FEEL more prosperous than I have in some time. I look forward to self-treatments and am excited again about the my future. Masterfully!

    The outlook for Reiki in mainstream societies is incredibly exciting to me!

    I’m grateful to have recently found your site on FB, Pamela and ‘Liked it’, of course. I look forward to attending many of your workshops.
    Peace and many Blessings!

    1. I am always delighted to hear from practitioners who have been inspired to practice self-Reiki as a daily discipline, and to read how they experience the benefits. Keep up the great work, and remember that master is over oneself.

  4. This is a beautiful poem and true. We’ve always known, whether by faith or by experience (or both), that Reiki attunement is only the beginning. In our local (Schoharie County, NY) flood-ravaged neighborhoods, as I join others in the spirit of oneness, doing whatever each one is called to do, I sense that, no matter if I am scrubbing dishes, moving trash to the curb, listening, observing, or offering Reiki hugs, Reiki is in ALL of it. With Reiki, all becomes a Light-anchoring experience. Every thought is transformed into a prayer. Every eye-to-eye contact is a transmission of Love. Now, more than ever, Reiki means so much.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to write, Colleen. My heart goes out to you and all whose homes and neighborhoods were damaged by Hurricane Irene and the subsequent flooding.

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